"Yeah right. Like I'm here to play dress up" That was pretty insulting to the guy

"Kendal, come out. Stop being a fucking coward and face me. What the fuck are you doing? You want revenge?" Fantasia spoke up.
"What do you want, tell me",
Kendall came out.
He had a nasty scar on his face from a deep cut he got from Taraji while they were tussling before she thought she killed him.

The scar made him look even more dangerous.

Fantasia gasped looking at him.
They looked at each other. The men took everything from her placed a chair then pushed her to it. They walked away.

"I want my kids," He said. "Yeah that will happen," she said sarcastically. "I'm not done Tasia, I want my family back. And that includes my wife" He said. She chuckled. "You were always the drama queen. I - am - a - Married woman. I am not living my wife for you Ken" She spelled it out for him...

"Okay then go home, there is nothing left to talk about. From now on I won't communicate, I just act. And people will die Tasia, and you won't be able to rescue them. I have a hit list and at the bottom of the list is that stupid lesbian bitch you call a wife. At the top of that list was your dad, but I will put him second for now. In the middle of that list are your sisters who live in London, there is no place I wouldn't go, and Jack, your fucking prodigal son. In that list, there are two small children, Zach, Zoe, and Rome. Oh and a pregnant lady by the name of Lana. Tell that lesbian bitch that her niece is on top of that list. She will be dead by midnight, people are gonna die Fantasia and you won't be able to save anyone of them. I will spare your life and the lives of my children but that's all, everyone else is got to fucking go. Call the FBI, the stupid incompetent patrolling NYPD, call them all, I have inside men. I bought people in those departments, they work for me and my CIA. I thought you knew me... That I am a brutal kind of monster. Goodbye Tasia, you took from me, now is my turn to take from you" Ken said turning to leave

"Wait, wait!! please don't do this. People don't need to die because of our dead marriage come on Ken, we never really loved each other. We stayed together because it made sense. We were normal. But you and I know there is more to marriage than a house full of money and kids. There is love and sex a lot of sex, sex we only had once in a while, sometimes it wouldn't even be worth our sweat. We were not crazy about each other. What is the point then?"

"That was you, baby. That was all you. I loved you Fantasia and I still do all these years. I am crazy about you"
"no, that's not love. You would never frame the person you are in love with for murder. You were doing that to me. You wanted me to be in prison. You didn't think about me or my kids. Now here you are lying to me, no Ken. No", She said leaving...

"Are you sure you want to leave? My men have the list"
"Do you baby? Kill everybody on your list. Have fun doing it too. I'm tired of fighting", Fantasia said giving in.
It didn't make it fun for Ken.
Ken called on his phone... "the war has begun. Kill her! Take a video and send it to that bitch!" He said.

"wait, wait. Okay, you win. What is it gonna be?" She asked.
"I bought our old house back. You pack, take my kids, and go home tonight. Halle better be home by sunset tomorrow. And we will take it from there" He said.
"Okay," she said and walked out. Her wife was leaning her back against the building. She heard everything.

Fantasia gasped looking at her.
"Hey... you heard huh? Baby, I don't know what to do. I'm buying time at this point and saving the people we care about"
Taraji nodded and wiped her tears. "see you at home" she said and walked to her car and got in then pulled away.

"fuck... Shit Kendal fuuuuuuck! I should have just set him on fire when I had a chance"

Taraji got home upset. The kids were outside having a good day. Jack and Paula were by the pool just talking.
Taraji poured a drink.
Fantasia got home right after. She wrapped her hands around her waist. "tell me what to do and I will do it. I swear I will do it" Fantasia said.

"Let's go upstairs and make love, It might be for the last time," Taraji said. "no it won't," Fantasia said.
They kept quiet, now looking into each other's eyes.

Fantasia smiled. "what?"
"I just got a crazy Idea.",

She said and called Halle.

Halle: Mom. Y'all okay? everybody keeps calling me.
Tasia: everything will get better if you agree to do this for me.
Halle: do what?
Tasia: I'm gonna call Chloe, you and her need to switch places for the day. Is for her protection from... Your father. If you Nail it, he will be confused and not kill her.
Halle: Mom, Dad is dead, are you hearing the craziness coming out of your mouth? And I don't mean it disrespectfully.
Tasia: Halle.. I'm serious. He is out for blood and yours is not on the list, Chloe is on top of that list because he is trying to hurt Mom. If you do this and look more like her. You will save her life and save mummy some pain. Maybe your dad will stop. But I will be planning our act two. Are you in or out?
Halle: (Halle breathed, she was taken away for a moment?) I--I'm in. What do I do?
Tasia: good. Give me a minute to call Chloe. I will text you the details

Fantasia hung up.

"so, your plan is to put my baby in danger alongside my niece?" Taraji asked
Fantasia's jaw dropped. She might have not thought everything through...

"I like it. You care about my niece enough to try and protect her. I will call Paige to send her Holywood facial effects team to help create a more believable look for both of them"

"Good. Then we can think of plan B. Cause my dad is next on that list"

"What? That bastard wanna kill your dad? How sick is that psycho of yours?..."
"he's not like that. He's desperate. That's all"

Taraji rolled her eyes, she felt like her wife was defending him.

"I will call Ben to get on the plan. It won't be easy for him to eliminate him if he's with us." Taraji suggested.

"Good idea."

Hours Later.
Halle and Chloe confused Ken and his CIA friends. Ken got mad and sent people to murder Ben, Fantasia's Father. to give Fantasia a little motivation to do as he wishes...
But that too didn't work out for him because Ben was landing in New York.

He decided to call Fantasia
Fantasia put him on speaker for her wife to hear.

Ken: you think you got this figured out, don't you? You forget baby, I'm always 10 steps ahead of everybody. This isn't over and you won't know what hit you next.
Taraji: is that so? You think you calling the shots here, don't you Ken? I hate to break it to you buddy but you ain't in charge of shit. If you were you wouldn't be doing it while hiding. And I know what you are afraid of...
Ken: oh yeah. What?
Taraji: Me. If I'm wrong and you are not afraid. Why don't you and I have a face-to-face chat? Cause this hitlist you got going on, is starting to piss me off, and if anyone that I care about ends up dead, you won't know what hit you and the crocked crew you call Agents. So what is gonna be Ken? How about dinner tomorrow night? Just you and me.
Ken: your last meal. I can be there to watch.
Taraji: it's a date. No fucking backup.

Taraji said and hung up.
"Taraji what the hell are you doing?"
"You gonna have to trust me on this. Your husband is starting to piss me off. It ends here"

"you can't kill him twice.".
"This time I will make sure he is dead!" Taraji said walking out of their bedroom. That didn't sit well with Fantasia. She didn't seem to like the idea of Ken being dead again...


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