" According to the plan, we cut off the Molucca route to London, where the power of the Holy See advocating asceticism was rising, coupled with the share of spices transported from the Indian Ocean, the response of the British royal family was wavering; we cut off the route to Naples route, Charles I himself does not like spices, but in order to please the lioness, he will not hesitate to support her, but we have allies, the bishop of Burgos and the prime minister are secretly supporting us; the rest is the road to The French King fiercely opposed us on the Paris route, and his court was also the king's mouthpiece.

"But in any case, we proved one thing to the world: Molucca is not an impregnable city. It has omissions, and they are big omissions. Who knows?" Anyone who can discover and use it can feast on this fat and oily piece of meat. "

"what do you mean? Gerald pretended to be confused and asked calmly.

Bardas said decisively: "I mean, we have to pursue the victory." "

Tap da," Gerald thought casually, the fish took the bait.

"You need to explain it in more detail," he said slowly, "I'm afraid I don't understand you well." "

Bardas smoothed the map and pointed on it with his finger: "Three of the seven main routes have been cut off. Jane Scott is a skillful woman. She knew that it was too late to make emergency repairs, so she temporarily gave up on these three routes and transferred all of them. Focus on the remaining four. According to my inference, the Molucca defense force at this time must be the weakest in history.

"Do you want to conquer the Molucca and plunder its wealth now? " "Gerald almost laughed out loud, but he disguised himself perfectly, "With all due respect, Your Excellency, I think it is still too early at this moment. Wait until we cut off the route to Seville..."

" no! "Bardas vetoed seriously, "Blocking the access to Naples has already made the Spanish Parliament noisy. If we cut off the access to Seville, then Charles I will definitely oppose us wholeheartedly, and his opinion is that His Majesty There is also a strong resistance that cannot be ignored! "

So, does your king also know your plan? " "

We don't need to keep His Majesty informed of everything. Letters take too much time, and time is exactly what we need to fight for most at this time." "

Gerald sighed, this sigh was especially sincere and soaked with regret.

"I have nothing more to say. Now that your mind has been made. I also have a debt in the Moluccas that needs to be collected, and I hope we can both get what is rightfully ours. "

Start your final plan," Bardas said in a deep voice, "We will definitely win!" "

That's why Gerald appeared here, drifting on the high seas. They set out from Port Said, first headed east, and sent out fleets along the supply line. Bardas disguised himself as the leader of the caravan, Gerald Deze acted as his deputy. They divided the fleet into three columns, each holding passes from three countries, and the captains were also prisoners from different countries to avoid being discovered. They passed through the turbulent long river and the dangerous swamp. Land,

the fleet crossed Barrameda, took advantage of the east wind, went straight into the Atlantic Ocean, and headed west. Even with an accurate map in hand, they still experienced more than 80 days at sea, passing through the harsh weather conditions of violent storms. After grinding, the fleet finally arrived at Cape St. Augustine. After replenishing food and fresh water, it entered the Bay

of St. Lucie. The morning mist was like thick milk poured on the sea. The Molucca, the paradise of spices and the place where gold flows, Finally appeared in front of them.

"The fleet should split up. Gerald whispered, "The target is too big, even if there is fog, it cannot stop it." "

You lead ten ships and attack from behind," Bardas nodded in agreement, "I will take the frontal battlefield, and we will use flames to communicate." "

Leading his fleet and hundreds of people on board, Gerald turned around and headed straight for his revenge. He pursed his lips tightly and said nothing. The strange thing was that there was not much excitement in his heart. The passion, the joy of revenge, he only felt... calm, yes, the transcendent calm was flowing in his veins, making him actually feel a strange sense of sadness at this moment.

He wanted to rush to the eastern archipelago of the Moluccas as soon as possible before the fog completely dissipated. The rocks there were rugged, the land was weak, and they were covered with tall and lush jungles. Because they were not suitable for growing spices, they had always been in a closed and semi-abandoned state. Along the road There are also less patrol ships, which is suitable for concealment.

After destroying the three patrol boats he encountered on the road, Gerard continued to move forward and put down the boat half a mile offshore. He put the felons into slave clothes, and he also put on a set of clothes. The first mate and the sailors loyal to him were left on the ship.

"Go as planned." Gerald said indifferently, "Don't worry about me, go ahead."

The first mate nodded solemnly and watched him step onto the landing ship and disappear into the fading mist.

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