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"How's your grades looking, Cal?" Mercedes asked a week later as Callie was sitting down in the living room with her leg propped up, laptop sitting on her lap as she was working on her schoolwork, now doing the online program.

"Still straight A's." Callie replied, turning her laptop around to show her mother how her lowest grade was a ninety-four percent.

"Great job, babe. I'm so proud of you." Mercedes smiled, gently hugging her daughter.

"Thanks, mommy. I hope things will go good when I go to the new school. Apparently there's a class that all five of us will be in together from what Aiden told me." Callie said before turning her laptop back around and opening up a new assignment to do, staying ahead of what she needed to do.

"That'll be fun, honey! They called and have a start date in mind, but we are playing it by ear currently." She said before hearing her phone ring from the kitchen. Mercedes headed into the kitchen, seeing it was Paul Levesque calling her.

"Thank you so much, Paul!" Mercedes was grinning from ear to ear while on the phone with him.

"Of course, Mercedes. You are more than deserving of this spot. Is there a time you would be able to fly to headquarters? I know you have a lot going on within your home." Paul said as he knew everything that went on with Callie, practically his granddaughter as the whole WWE team sent the Goods prayers, love, and good vibes as well as sending Callie flowers for when she got home. Paul even checked in on her personally a couple times.

"Could next week work?" Mercedes asked as Paul agreed to it. She couldn't believe that the honor was happening to her, one year after her husband.


Mercedes was getting inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame, Class of 2038. She told Jon and all of their kids as everyone was ecstatic for their mother and Jon was excited for his wife. She chose Pam to induct her into the Hall Of Fame. The next week, she and Pam were in Stamford to have the meeting.

"I know my kids are all adults and teens, but I am having some mom guilt leaving Callie." Mercedes admitted while she and Pam were getting coffee ahead of their meeting with Paul and others within the WWE team.

"It's extremely understandable, Mercy. I'd feel the same if the roles were reversed. How is she? She's doing home school with you and Jon home now, right?" Pam asked as the two waited on their coffee.

"She's okay, and yes she is. That kid amazes me because her lowest grade is an A minus. We got her in therapy, she's still doing physical therapy. I may ask Paul if she can bring her two best friends, Claire and Asher, along with Jacob to the Hall Of Fame. I just want her to be comfortable. I know she's fine with her dad, but I feel a little bad not being with her. She's been opening up to me a lot, really just being honest with me and trusting me. And there's nights where she just cries to me, so I feel bad not being with her." Mercedes admitted as Pam sympathized with her best friend.

"I don't think Paul will mind, and I'm glad Callie is able to trust you with everything going on. You're doing a great job with her, Mer. What school will she be going to?" Pam asked as Mercedes told her previously that Callie was no longer attending the same school, along with Aiden.

"She will be going to the private performing arts school that Claire, Asher, Jacob, and now Aiden attend. We just don't know when yet. There's been a couple dates tossed out there, but nothing set in stone. My biggest fear is we'll send her back too soon and it'll cause another downward spiral for her." She gritted as the two headed out to the rental car they were using during their quick trip to Connecticut.

"I think going to the new school will be great for her, and good call on playing it by ear. I know Ferg and I live in California with our kids, but don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Your kids are like my own, and vice versa. I'm always here for you, Merc. And I hope that everyone will be okay when I see them at the Hall Of Fame." Pam assured her friend as Mercedes greatly appreciated all the love, heading into the meeting and clearing everything out of her head for the time being.

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