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"Want mommy to come read you a story bub?" Mercedes asked two weeks later. They were cleaning up from dinner and getting Liam as well as now three month old baby Taylor ready for bed.

"Yes please." Liam replied while looking up at his mother.

"Okay, let me get sissy and you can go tell daddy goodnight too." She said as she got Taylor up from her tummy time mat, carefully placing her in her arms as they went over to Jon.

"Night night, daddy." Liam said as Jon picked him up with his good arm.

"Night buddy, I love you." Jon said as he kissed Liam's cheek and carefully set him pack down.

"I'll be up in the room once I get him to sleep." Mercedes said as Jon nodded his head and kissed his wife.

Mercedes carried Taylor as Liam held her hand while walking upstairs. Both kids were already bathed and in their pajamas, so it would make their nighttime routine a lot easier. Mercedes read a couple stories to Liam while breastfeeding Taylor, relieved as she saw Liam slowly falling asleep.

Liam quickly fell asleep after the last story. Mercedes kissed his cheek and turned off the light, heading towards her and Jon's room. She rocked Taylor to sleep after she was done with the feeding, carefully being laid down in the bedside bassinet that Mercedes and Jon had in their bedroom.

"Night, princess." Mercedes whispered, kissing her daughter's forehead.

She went over to grab out her pajamas. She heard Jon in the shower, but gave him a few minutes to himself. Mercedes headed downstairs to turn off all the lights and lock the door, cleaning up anything else that was left out. Once she headed back upstairs, she heard Jon out of the shower and quietly opened up the door.

"Jonathan David!" Mercedes gasped as she saw her husband eyeing some pain pills. He jolted and dropped the bottle, looking over at his wife.

"Mercedes? I... I didn't take anything." Jon stuttered as his wife was clearly and visibly upset.

"You better not, Jonathan. You are so much better than this. Don't you dare even think about taking one, or there's going to be a whole lot more problems than you could imagine." She snapped and made clear, getting her pajamas on and heading to bed. Jon just watched her, knowing she said nothing wrong and everything right.

With You (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now