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Fourteen Years Later|January 2037

"Happy birthday, mom!" Liam grinned as he came down the steps to hug his mother. He was followed by Taylor, Callie, and Aiden.

"Happy birthday mom!" Taylor and Aiden chimed in.

"Happy birthday mommy!" Callie grinned as they all hugged their mother tight. Jon grinned as he joined in on the family hug for his wife.

"Thanks, kiddos. Forty-five doesn't look too bad." Mercedes laughed as the kids laughed as well.

"Damn sure doesn't." Jon winked, earning gross facials from Callie and Aiden.

Fourteen years has passed within the Good family. So much good has happened within the family since Mercedes retired from in ring competition back in 2022. Mercedes was a stay at home mom and wife as she and Jon opened their own wrestling school in 2024, just a little over a year after they completed their family.

Liam and Taylor were now eighteen and sixteen. Shortly after Mercedes retired from in ring competition, she and Jon got pregnant. However, they got pregnant with fraternal twins. Their daughter and son, Callie Renee Good and Aiden Elijah Good were born on December 7th, 2022.

That was Jon's 37th birthday. Callie and Aiden completed their family, as Mercedes and Jon had two daughters and two sons. Mercedes was happy when the twins were born, even making jokes that she finally got at least one child, Callie, who looked like her, minus having Jon's skin complexion. Aiden looked like her as well except for having Jon's eye color and skin tone. They were happier than ever.

Jon retired from wrestling when the kids were eight, six, and four years old. When Liam was five, Taylor three, Callie and Aiden one, Jon went through a scary injury that nearly forced him into retirement. He ended up getting two bulging discs in his neck that required surgery. That injury caused Jon to relapse in 2023. Mercedes was there for him for it during that time, helping him get clean as he's been sober ever since. He recovered from injury well and was able to have a handful more matches before fully retiring in 2026.

Now that the kids were eighteen, sixteen, and the twins fourteen, Mercedes and Jon were extremely busy but they loved it all. All of their kids had amazing qualities about themselves and things that they loved to do. To not a full surprise, Liam was an amateur wrestler as well as training to become a WWE Superstar. Taylor was an all star cheerleader. Callie was definitely the most out there and famous, given she was an actress, singer, and dancer. Aiden wasn't too sporty but loved music.

Liam was in his senior year of high school, graduating with Bryton this May. He has a girlfriend, Brittney Feltner. They met in sixth grade as she was the only girl on the wrestling team. The two got together at their freshman year homecoming dance and the rest is history. Brittney was also training to be a WWE Superstar. The two clicked for their love of wrestling, developing a great friendship before getting together nearly four years ago.

Taylor was sixteen years old and in her sophomore year of high school. She is an all star cheerleader as she started tumbling classes at the age of three and it's continued into an amazing love for her for the sport. She also has a boyfriend, whom she met through the sport, named Jeremy Brooks. They've been together just under a year but met when they were six years old as they went to the same all star cheerleading gym. Taylor wanted to be a professional cheerleader when she went to college, but unsure of a degree. She still had a year or two to figure that one out.

Callie and Aiden were both fourteen, just recently turned fourteen last month. They were in eighth grade, getting ready to go to high school the following school year. They were very similar, but also had their own interests and characteristics that split them apart as twins. They were extremely close to each other, so to Mercedes and Jon they were meant to be twins, especially with how close they were.

Callie was an extremely talented kid. Mercedes and Jon saw that in her from a young age. She started dance class with Bryton when she was two and Bryton was six. The two were now fully competitive dancers at the same studio. Callie also had two best friends there she met when they were all two, Asher Williams and Claire Bennett. Claire and Asher were a couple, but the three were like three peas in a pod. Callie, Claire, and Bryton were very close as well.

Callie wasn't too worried about boys, given on top of dance, she was also an actress and singer. Callie started acting when she was five, doing side gigs and commercials. Now, she was a huge star for Disney. She was also an amazing singer as she was doing some music with Disney, but still focusing on her school, dance, and acting skills. Mercedes and Jon were extremely protective over her, given all she spotlight she has at a young age. She never let it change her though, which relieved her parents.

Aiden was very musically gifted, however he didn't want the fame as his twin did. Aiden was a pretty good singer, but he loved playing instruments more. He loved the guitar, drums, and some of the piano. He and Callie loved to make up their own music together, it was another thing that kept them close. He also had a girlfriend, Zoey Daniels. The two have been together for three years as well.

Mercedes and Jon didn't expect to have four children, especially within four years. However, they wouldn't trade it for the world. Their children were close, practically inseparable. Mercedes and Jon were so thankful to see them have such an incredible bond and relationship. It was a beautiful thing to see and they were more than happy with their family.

"Alright, well you guys have school and then we'll go celebrate mom's birthday tonight." Jon changed the topic, knowing their four kids had school that day.

"I'll take Cal and Aiden since I gotta run to the store anyways. Liam and Tay typically ride together anyways." Mercedes said before she took the twins and headed to their middle school while Liam and Taylor went off to the high school they attended with Brittney and Bryton.

Jon began tidying up from the kids' breakfast and before he'd go to his and Mercedes' wrestling school to teach the morning class. However, he was stopped in his tracks when he saw that his phone was ringing. He pulled it out to see it was Paul Levesque calling him.

"Hello?" Jon answered as he was unsure why Paul would be calling him.

"Hey Jon, it's Paul Levesque. How're you doing, bud?" Paul asked on the other line.

"Hey man, we're all doing good. Mercedes' birthday is today so you know we're gonna go take her out with all the kids later." He chuckled as he already knew Paul wished Mercedes a happy birthday.

"All sounds good, I hope you guys have fun tonight. But I wanted to call to ask and talk to you about something." He began catching Jon off guard.


"We've all been talking here in the office about this year's WWE Hall Of Fame class of 2036. And Jon, we'd love to have you as the headliner for this year's Hall Of Fame ceremony. You've earned it, more than earned it. We'd love to induct you this year if you would like to accept the honors." Paul told him as Jon was shocked. His eyes went big and he was taken back a bit.

"Oh, yeah. I'd love that. Thank you, Paul. I wasn't expecting that." Jon cleared his throat and answered honestly.

"Absolutely, Jon. We'll be in touch more this week to fly you out and whomever you'd like to have induct you. But we wanted to call first thing this morning. The news will come out after our meeting." Paul said before going into more detail and the two got off the phone.

Jon was taken back. He, or the Dean Ambrose character would he inducted into this year's WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony. He was beside himself, but couldn't wait for the event.

"Damn, I get inducted before Mercedes?" He asked himself, feeling as if his wife was far more deserving than he was. For now though, he was looking forward to the events.

With You (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora