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Suggestive Content: Bullying, Mentions of Suicide

"Can someone help me?" Callie asked two weeks later. She and Mercedes just got home from a doctors appointment, but was struggling to get up the steps.

It had been two weeks since Callie attempted suicide. She was in the hospital for three days after that so they could monitor her. Now, she was back home and settled. However, she was bracing herself to return to school. She didn't want to go back by any means and had to tell her parents what's been going on.

"Yep!" Aiden said as he and Taylor came down the steps and helped their twin/younger sister upstairs and into the living room.

"Thanks." She gave a half smile as she was now situated on the couch.

"How was your doctors appointment?" Taylor asked, handing her sister a glass of water.

"Well, they took my stitches out from under my lip. My wrist stitches are dissolved. My ACL is hurt worse so that's fun, but I do start therapy soon." Callie explained, looking at her twin brother and big sister.

When Callie attempted suicide, she ended up cutting open the inside of her bottom lip with her braces. Somehow in the fall, she hit her mouth. She was lucky to have not suffered any head or brain injuries. She was glad to have the stitches out as well.

"Well, how do you feel about starting therapy?" Aiden asked as he was extremely worried for his twin sister.

"I dunno, bub. Maybe it'll help? I'm not sure the therapist will understand. I'm not a normal kid. I'm Callie Good, a singer, dancer, actress. I'm fifteen and have about six million followers. That's not just a normal kid. Hopefully it'll help." She shrugged as Aiden hugged her tight. Everyone was hopeful that Callie would get some help and grow from all of this.

Later that night, Callie was in her room getting ready for bed. Mercedes helped her get changed into some pajamas and made sure she was okay. She was happy to be in bed, but suddenly felt a rush of anxiety. She didn't want to go to school the next day. Callie would have to face all of the bullies at her school. That would be the last thing she wanted to do.

"Babe? You hear something?" Jon asked as he and Mercedes were getting ready for bed themselves. They heard some sniffles and quiet cries coming down the hall.

"Is that Callie?" Mercedes asked her husband. Jon shrugged, but the two walked down the hall and peeked into their fifteen year old daughter's bedroom.

"Callie, what's wrong baby?" Jon asked as he saw Callie trying to breathe and crying. The two quickly rushed to their daughter's side.

"I don't wanna go to school!" She broke down into sobs. Taylor and Aiden were walking down the hall, but stopped to see their sister. They walked away back down to the living room as they knew Callie needed some privacy with their parents.

"Why don't you wanna go to school, honey? What's going on?" Mercedes asked as she and Jon were helping to calm down their daughter.

"You're safe, babygirl. You can talk to mommy and I about these things. We're here to help." Jon whispered, kissing the top of her head.

"Everyone at school has been really mean to me!" She cried, finally opening up about everything.

"What have they been doing honey? You have to tell us." Mercedes replied, rubbing her daughter's back soothingly.

"They've been bullying me! They've said really mean things. They've called me a whore, bitch, cunt, slut. They bully me for my work. They've left mean notes in my locker. Some kid even kicked my crutch out from me! And I blamed it on myself to you guys!" Callie began as she was sobbing hard. Mercedes felt her blood boil, but had to calm down and support her daughter.

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