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"It's the finale!" Callie cheered as she was getting breakfast with her boyfriend and siblings. She definitely wanted some time with them before the huge night ahead.

It was the finale of the dance show. Callie, Claire, Jacob, and Asher were the final four. It was going to be a huge night. All four were nervous. Even with the nerves, they were so proud of themselves and each other. They worked so hard and now was their shining moment.

Callie wanted to hang out with her siblings before hand. It was her and Jacob, Aiden, Taylor and Jeremy, as well as Liam and Brittney. Callie was extremely nervous for the night ahead of her. Rightfully so, she had a chance to win it all. Her siblings were also good at calming her nerves.

"Woohoo!" Taylor cheered for her baby sister.

"What dances do you have tonight babe?" Brittney asked as they were all heading into the restaurant for some breakfast.

"One solo and two duets! My solo is lyrical and to the song Only by RY X. My first duet is contemporary with Claire to the band version of My Immortal by Evanescence. Then of course the last duet is with Jacob to When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus." She informed her older brother's girlfriend now that they were all sitting down.

"You're gonna kill it! We all know you can do it." Taylor beamed at her sister.

"I agree! There's no one else I'd rather lose to than you." Jacob chuckled as everyone laughed a bit.

Callie really enjoyed the morning with her siblings. It did her good and helped calm her nerves. Now, she and Jacob were at the arena with Claire and Asher. They were getting ready for the finale. The nerves and emotions were high. However, the four had to deliver.

"I cannot believe us four are the final four." Claire said as the four were sitting on the dance floor for a moment.

"It's so surreal." Jacob commented, taking a sip of his water.

"I wonder what baby us are thinking." Asher added, referring to him, Claire, and Callie all dancing together since they were two years old.

"This is just crazy. I don't think little us would believe it. I just want us to all have so much fun tonight. Yes, we all came here to win at the end of the day. However, I've loved all of these moments and dances I've gotten to have with you guys." Callie beamed, finding herself emotional. Claire smiled, moving over to hug her childhood bestie.

"Let's kick ass!" Jacob grinned as the other three cheered.

"I love you guys so much!" Callie beamed as the four hugged, going about their own ways.

Callie got ready for her solo. She would open the show with it. She enjoyed opening the show with her solos. It boosted her confidence for the rest of the night. Plus she felt the audience enjoyed it as well.

Her solo would open the show. Her duet with Claire would be in the middle of the show, right after Jacob's solo. Then, Callie and Jacob would close the show with their duet. It was a huge night. However, the four supported each other no matter how they placed.

"Look at my beautiful girl." Jon smiled as Callie had her hair up in a bun with a beautiful two piece baby pink lyrical dance costume on.

"Thank you daddy! I'm just nervous, I wanna be perfect and I wanna win." She admitted, looking up at her dad before the two sat down together.

"Don't worry about being perfect, honey. I know you wanna win. We all believe that you can do it baby girl. But, I want you to go out there and have fun. Just enjoy the night, you may never get an opportunity like this again." He comforted her, holding her close.

With You (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now