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Mercedes was currently back home in Salt Lake City with Liam. She was written off of WWE TV after another brutal attack by Pam as Bayley for their storyline. Mercedes would come back in two weeks at Survivor Series. Sasha Banks would force Bayley to sign a contract for a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match at the TLC pay-per-view next month in December. As Mercedes was looking forward to that, she was also having some mixed emotions.

Mercedes has thoroughly enjoyed her come back over the last ten months. With that being said, she was feeling overwhelmed. She felt very blessed for all of the amazing opportunities she's had since returning. From winning the Royal Rumble, main eventing WrestleMania and becoming a champion, now to her next chapter with Pam. Everything has been great. However, Mercedes was beginning to feel a change of heart.

Mercedes was beginning to feel a bit of burn out after coming back. She didn't expect to feel it as she's loved wrestling so much for seventeen years, given she was currently twenty seven years old and got into wrestling at ten years old. It has been non stop even more now that she had Liam. She also felt some bittersweet emotions seeing him grow more and not being able to just enjoy him in peace at home. She was unsure of what she wanted to do, but emotions were definitely creeping up on her.

"Hey baby, you okay?" Jon asked as he saw Mercedes on the couch, looking slug and slightly emotional.

"Babe, can I talk to you about something?" Mercedes asked after getting some water.

"What's up?"

"Is it bad that I'm starting to feel some reservations towards wrestling?" She admitted as Jon looked confused.

"Why baby? Did something happen?" He quickly asked, confused and concerned as he knew Mercedes had a huge love for wrestling.

"No, don't get me wrong. I am so grateful and thankful for everything I've been able to do over the last ten months. But I'm starting to feel burnt out and just worn thin. I also miss being home with Liam and just being a wife, it doesn't help that I might have some baby fever kicking in." She admitted as Jon looked at her with a sweet smile.

"But they want me to win the championship from Pam, since of course it makes sense for the story. I haven't told anybody either. I dunno what I wanna do baby, I just have a lot of emotions." She sighed, scratching her forehead.

"Well, you know that I am going to support you in whatever you want to do. I have no problems putting another baby in you." He smirked as she giggled and blushed.

"If you wanna continue to wrestle, by all means go for it baby. I ain't gonna stop ya from your dreams. If you feel like you just wanna be a mom and a wife, do that too. No matter what, I for your back baby girl." He assured her as the two kissed.

"Thank you baby, I love you." She grinned.

"I love you too baby girl. Take as much time as you need to think about it. Just know I support you." Jon said as she nodded her head, enjoying the quiet time with her husband before things would get chaotic once again when Sasha Banks makes her long awaited return to attack Bayley.

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