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"Fuck man." Jon groaned before downing another shot of whiskey. He was not doing well at all with his best friend's condition. Jon had a hard time talking about things as well as wanting to hide his pain from his wife. He didn't want her to stress while pregnant, so he hid it as she could enjoy her pregnancy.

"Hello?" Jon quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he saw his wife was calling him.

"Hey babe! Just wanted to let you know that I'm headed to Becca's house. I'm taking her to her appointment and then I'll be home." Mercedes smiled on the other line.

"Alright, just be safe and I love ya." He replied, rubbing his hand over his head.

"I love you too honey!" She beamed before hanging up the phone. Jon mastered masking his alcoholism from her, so he was able to snap out of it before returning to his thoughts.

Mercedes was on her way to pick up Rebecca. Rebecca was now twenty two weeks along in her pregnancy. She had an ultrasound to find out the gender of her and Colby's baby. Since Colby was still in the hospital, Mercedes was taking her best friend. She didn't want Rebecca to go alone and was happy to be a supportive friend to her non biological sister.

"Hey beautiful! Are you ready?" Mercedes grinned as Rebecca got in the car.

"About as ready as I will be. I'm excited to see the baby, but I wish Colby was here to go with me. I do appreciate you coming with me." Rebecca admitted as Mercedes knew she was in a lot of emotional pain with the state of her husband.

"Of course love, I am always here for you." She gave her friend a sympathetic smile before heading to her appointment. There wasn't much change with Colby, so they were taking it moment by moment.

It didn't take long for the two women to arrive at Rebecca's OBG/YN's office. Mercedes and Rebecca walked in, getting her checked in. They waited in the waiting room for a bit before she got called back to her room. They did an examination before beginning the ultrasound.

"Congratulations! You're having a baby girl!" Rebecca's doctor smiled at her, showing her the baby with the female genitalia.

"Oh my god, it's a girl!" Rebecca gasped as tears filled her eyes.

"Yay! I'm so excited you're having a girl! I'm gonna have a niece!" Mercedes cheered before carefully hugging her friend. She was so happy to see her best friend happy, even just for a moment. Mercedes couldn't wait to meet her niece.

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