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"Callie Renee!" Bryton cheered a few days later. She, Rebecca, and Colby were now back from LA. They wanted to visit Callie now post operation.

Mercedes and Jon were glad they were back as well. Callie and Bryton were very excited to see each other. They were soul sisters after all. However, Mercedes and Jon felt guilty.

The married couple felt guilty. They hadn't told their fourteen year old daughter the news about her dance career. They wanted to get her settled in back home post surgery. However, they had to tell her. The sooner the better for the whole situation. She did know the recovery would be longer, but didn't know much else than that.

"Bryton Quinn!" Callie giggled a bit, seeing her soul sister come over and give her a sweet embrace.

"How are you? Sorry I couldn't be here day of surgery." She asked, sitting next to the fourteen year old girl.

"It's all good. I'm in pain but I'm living." She joked as Rebecca and Colby went outside with Mercedes and Jon.

"What's up?" Colby asked as they were standing out on the porch. They wouldn't be outside too long given it was chilly, since it was November.

"We didn't tell you, but Callie's knee was worse than we thought." Jon began as Colby and Rebecca were confused.

"Worse?" Rebecca asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Her ACL was nearly off the bone and her meniscus was off the bone and just shredded. And unfortunately, her surgeon told us that she can't dance anymore." Mercedes added as Rebecca and Colby looked shocked yet saddened.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Does she know?" Colby quickly asked as he and Rebecca were saddened for their niece.

"No, we haven't told her yet. We're planning on doing it today. We wanted her to get out of surgery and settled back home before we tell her." Jon explained as that seemed to make sense to Colby and Rebecca.

"Does anyone know else know?" Rebecca asked.

"Liam, Taylor, Aiden, and Jacob know since they were at the hospital with us." Mercedes replied as the two understood.

Rebecca, Colby, and Bryton visited for a couple hours. They left a little bit after Liam, Taylor, and Aiden got back home. Mercedes and Jon knew they had to tell Callie. However, they didn't know how to approach her.

"Aww, that's sweet." Callie smiled at her phone while Mercedes and Jon began cooking dinner for their kids.

"What is it?" Taylor asked her baby sister while she, Liam, and Aiden walked up the steps and into the living room.

"A fan made a cute little video edit of Jacob and I's dances." She beamed while reposting the video on her Instagram story.

"That's so weird that you guys have fans now." Liam chuckled, teasing his baby sister a bit.

"It's weird in the dance field since I'm kinda used to it with the show. But I can't wait to dance again with him and just on my own. I'll be so happy to be back on the floor." She beamed while everyone created a blank expression on their faces. Jon and Mercedes both peaked their heads in, knowing that it was the time to tell their daughter.

"I'm not so sure about that Callie, your recovery is going to take a while." Mercedes slowly began while looking at her youngest daughter.

"Well yeah I know that, but I'm determined to get back to it." She shrugged, confused on what her mother meant.

"Callie, I, I don't think you're gonna dance again." Jon shook his head. He was baffled when he saw his near fifteen year old daughter laugh it off.

"Ha ha! That's funny daddy, me? Not dancing? Yeah, no that's not gonna happen." She laughed, but confused when everyone had concerned looks on their faces.

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