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"Please be safe. Text us when you land." Mercedes said while hugging Liam and Brittney. The two took a few weeks off to be with Callie after she attempted suicide. Now, they were leaving to fly back to Orlando for their NXT duties.

"We will mom, promise." Brittney said, hugging her soon to be mother in law.

"Yes, we'll text you as soon as we land. We might have a layover too but we'll let you know for sure. Have Callie text us and we'll FaceTime her once we get home. If not I'm booking the next flight back here and acting like her security guard." Liam joked at the end, putting a smile on his mom's face after a traumatic few weeks.

"Oh I know you will." Mercedes laughed a bit, hugging her oldest son and future daughter in law before letting them head to the airport so they wouldn't be late to catch their flight.

After making sure they were safe and on their way, Mercedes headed back into the kitchen to clean up from the previous night. They've all been exhausted with everything going on, so she was catching up this morning on everything she needed to do before seeing Taylor walk downstairs.

"Hey sweetie." Mercedes said as Taylor walked in the kitchen and got some water before hugging her mom, knowing they both needed it.

"Hi mom, I love you." Taylor smiled, as the two hugged, knowing they both needed that moment.

"I love you too honey, you okay?" Mercedes asked as she knew Taylor was most likely still shaken up from everything.

"I'm okay, just wanted to say I love you. And you're the best mom. I don't know how you handle all this that's been going on. But I appreciate you and I know everyone does, especially Callie right now." Taylor quietly said as those two were the only ones awake, minus Jon, but he was out doing the grocery shopping after Liam and Brittney left.

"I love you too, Taylor. And thank you, I really appreciate that. I have to be strong, you know? You guys need me. My work as a mother won't be done, so being there for her and all of you is and always will be my top priority as a mother." Mercedes said as Taylor nodded her head, showing her signs of support as the two hugged once again before Taylor went upstairs to get ready for cheer practice.


"Welcome to your first day!" Claire laughed as she, Asher, and Jacob were helping Aiden around the school. Today was his first day of school at the private performing arts school with the three. Callie would start at a later date, but Aiden would help her too when her day would come to start back to in person school.

"It's a lot more chill than I thought it was gonna be." Aiden said as the four were walking around as Aiden, Claire, and Asher had a class together. Jacob was a grade ahead of them, so he would go to a different class when the bell rang.

"Yeah, no one here cares." Asher shrugged.

"Nah, not really. Everyone's wrapped up in what they're all working on whether that's music, acting, dancing, whatever. It's a lot more relaxed, which hopefully helps Callie when she starts." Jacob said before they found Aiden's new locker.

"What the hell?" Aiden asked before laughing, seeing Jacob put a mini prank in there on his girlfriend's twin brother. He put a picture of himself in the locker with a note saying "love you," given the two were already close.

"Happy first day of school, buddy!" Jacob laughed, patting him on the shoulder as Claire and Asher began laughing as well.

"Fuck off, get to class Carter!" Aiden shouted as the bell rang, seeing Jacob heading in a different direction but laughed more. It would be even better when Callie would join them once she was good to go.

With You (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum