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TW: Self Harm

"Thanks bub, I'll see you at lunch." Callie said as Aiden helped his twin sister get her belongings and herself to their first class before he'd head to his own class.

"No problem, Cal-Cal. See ya." Aiden waved off, leaving the classroom and heading to his.

Callie heard the other kids continuing to pick on her as it was still eating her alive. She's always been nice to everyone, so she didn't understand why it was biting her in return. She was relieved to see they had a substitute teacher, putting in her earbuds and doing her work on her own. The last thing she wanted was to hear the outside noise with everything going on.

She was relieved when the class was over. Since her next one was right down the hall, Callie shoved her things in her backpack and headed to the class herself. She didn't want to ask her twin brother for help all the time, especially if it was a class nearby, just down a hall. However, things took a turn for the worse once Callie was heading to her next class.

She was walking by herself, even if the hallway was filled with the other freshmen peers she had classes with. She stopped at her locker to grab something before the same group of girls that had already been bullying her, came up to her. They kicked a crutch out from underneath her, causing her to fall on her already injured leg.

"Shit!" Callie winced in pain, struggling to get back up.

"Ugly slut." The practical ring leader of the group spat in Callie's face, leaving her there until a different couple kids came over to help. She thanked them, slamming her locker shut and swallowed her tears before heading to her next class.

For the fifteen year old girl, that felt like her final straw. She was done. She was mentally and emotionally exhausted, finding it hard to get a reason to exist.

When Callie got home, she was alone. Aiden had band practice. Taylor was at cheer practice with Jeremy. Mercedes and Jon had training that night at their wrestling school. Jacob, Claire, and Asher were at the dance studio preparing for nationals this spring. Callie was so mentally done, she didn't care about anything anymore. Especially herself.

Callie rummaged through her bathroom cabinets while everyone was gone. She felt worthless, degraded, humiliated. She hated herself and hated being alive. Everything that was once her's was gone and vanished. She stopped rummaging when she found what she was looking for.

Callie found a razor, knowing exactly what she wanted to do with it. She was going to hide it, which would be easier on her part given it was winter. All of the thoughts were racing through her mind before she pulled up her left sleeve, slashing her skin.

"Fuck." She muttered, feeling the sting and burn on her flesh, seeing drops of red poke through her normal tan skin tone. She continued three more times on her left side, repeating on the right side.

There was a sick and twisted sensation that Callie got from harming herself. It was her ticket out in her eyes. She hated existing, everything being taken from her. She didn't feel worthy enough. She felt no one would care if something were to happen to her. She wanted to be gone, nothing more than a memory. The burning, blood, and stinging brought Callie to tears, but also a sense of relief knowing that one time was all it took to hit a spot and be nothing more than a memory.

However, all of Callie's thoughts snapped as she heard her parents get home. She quickly found bandaids, putting them over her cuts and pulling her sleeves back down. The last thing she wanted was for someone to catch her in the act. Now, she just had to act normal for a short period of time until she was done for good.

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