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"Claire bear!" Callie beamed, finding her best friend backstage. Monday rolled around and it was another live episode of the dance show that she, Claire, Asher, and Jacob starred on. They were down to the top ten and Callie was going to prove herself with every dance. She was in it to win it.

"Hey Cal! What's up?" Claire asked her best friend as they were hanging out before they had to start getting ready.

"Just getting ready for tonight. I am a little nervous for Jacob and I's duet, it's our first one." The petite brunette admitted before cracking her knuckles.

"You're nervous for the duet or you're nervous to let him see your feelings for him?" Claire teased her friend a bit.

It was true, both Callie and Jacob had feelings for each other. They developed a great friendship when he came to the dance studio that the four best friends danced at. However, the four of them joining the dance show strengthened their bond. Specifically Callie and Jacob's bond.

Even though they were only fourteen and fifteen, they had a lot of romantic feelings for each other. Callie was just a bit awkward and didn't know how to tell him. She was surprised Jacob didn't pick up on it by now. At least he hasn't mentioned it.

"Both. I dunno Claire, I don't know how to talk to him! I always stutter and get blushy!" She admitted, playing with some of her hair strands.

"You like Jacob! You really like him! That's how I was with Asher! Then he asked me out." Claire giggled, wanting the two to finally get together.

"I know, I know! I'm just nervous." Callie bit her lip as the two girls walked around a bit before getting some water. They definitely needed to hydrate themselves for the night ahead of them.

"Well, just talk to him Callie. The worst he can say is no, then you guys remain friends. I doubt that happens though." The red headed girl calmed her best friend down. The two best friends hung out a bit longer before Callie had to go. All of her family was at the arena and she wanted to see them before finally getting ready for the night.

"Daddy!" Callie cheered as she saw Jon walking around trying to find her so she could see her family before getting ready.

"Hey baby girl, how are you?" Jon asked with a smile, taking his daughter in his arms for a sweet embrace.

"I'm good! Better knowing that everyone is here. I'm really nervous for tonight." She admitted as they began walking towards her family.

"What're you nervous for honey? You're an incredible dancer." He asked his daughter now that they were sitting with everyone.

"I've never danced with a boy to this level before. I mean me and Asher have danced together for recitals, but I've known him since I was two with Claire. I've only known Jacob for six months and we haven't danced together. What if it's messy?" She explained while sitting with Liam and Brittney.

"Ha! You? Messy? That doesn't go in the same sentence sissy. You can do it, babes. We believe in you." Brittney smiled at her boyfriend's baby sister.

"Thank you, Britt. I will see you guys later or out in the audience! I have to go get my hair and makeup done." Callie said, hugging her family before going on her own way.

Later on that night, Callie and Jacob were hanging out backstage. She had her brunette hair up in a high ponytail as she had a dramatic smokey eye paired with her normal base makeup. She and Jacob were dressed and ready to go.

They had matching brown cut off flannel shirts. Jacob had on brown pants for his outfit with the flannel. Callie had on a brown cropped tank top paired with the same color brown dance spandex shorts. Their dance was coming up, so they wanted to talk before hand.

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