
"Don't take it the wrong way, but I think I need some time alone," Korra said softly.

Khione's fingers dropped, letting Korra's hair loose again.

"Please, don't push me away, Korra. I know this is so hard, but I'm here for you.

Khione wanted to laugh at how emotional she sounded. Past Khione would've been horrified. And a part of Khione was still terrified by how vulnerable her words made her.

Never had she thought that this is what her future had in stall for her. The irony was not lost on her; Khione, of all people, was telling someone not to shut others out.

Korra's shoulder slumped, but she turned her wheelchair around to face Khione.

"I just... I don't want you to see me so helpless. I hate being so helpless. I just want to get better," Korra's plaintive voice broke, and she buried her head into her hands.

"I don't know how long it'll be. I don't want you to be stuck here, waiting for me. I'm sorry."

Another time, Khione might've argued, or refused to leave. But the way Korra spoke, like splintering glass on the verge of breaking, made Khione pause. Korra needed this.

Khione nodded slowly. Three words on the tip of her tongue she swallowed.

It wasn't fair for either of them, but Korra needed space to heal. Khione bent down, and gently kissed Korra's cheek.

"Don't apologise Korra. I understand."

She was gone the next day.


Khione was sitting at the edge of the docks, knees tucked against her body, watching the reflection of stars in the still water.

"Hey, you okay?" Asami's voice was soft as she sat down beside Khione, swinging her legs slowly. Khione closed her eyes, and let out a noncommittal noise. It had been a few days after she'd returned from the Southern Pole, Korra still fresh on her mind.

"Not really," She admitted at last, shifting to sit properly, her feet skimming the water as she gazed up at the sky. There were a million thoughts racing in her head, each clamouring for attention. Asami was silent, giving her the chance to say something.

Spirits, she wanted to tell Asami. She was one of her closest friends, one of the first people who had loved Khione. Khione loved Asami too. Not like she loved Korra, of course, but she loved Asami dearly. Asami was kinder than all of them, and yet, one of the strongest people Khione knew.

"I think I love her."
There it was, spoken aloud into the night air, for the first time.

"I know." Asami's voice was both light and teasing as she gently nudged Khione's arm.
Khione turned to Asami, and blinked.

"What? You knew?" She asked, shocked.

Asami raised a brow. "You two weren't the most obvious," She pointed out, and Khione blinked, feeling relief sink into her. "I'm happy for you two. Really."

Khione rested her head against Asami's shoulder as she let Asami envelop her into a hug.

"Are you together?" Asami asked curiously, pulling away.

Khione hesitated, a finger hooking around her necklace, absentmindedly tugging on it.

"I don't know," She said quietly. "She needs time."

Khione didn't know who she was talking to now. Asami or herself. She felt so unsure, like a single breeze would unroot her from the ground. She had to believe that Korra would come back to her.

"Don't tell Bolin or Mako yet," Khione said, watching as a cloud covered the bright moon for a second. Asami nodded. "Okay."

"It's over, isn't it?"

Khione sagged in relief at the realization, her words soft in the air. Asami let out a quiet laugh.
"I hope so. It's nice... waking up and not-"

"Fearing for the fate of the world?" Khione finished dryly, and gave Asami a crooked smile, one which she returned.

They settled into comfortable silence, watching the stars and the night sky together. Khione felt contentment deep in her bones, chasing away all her fears and anxieties. Sitting beside Asami in this quiet was nice. It felt so normal, Khione felt a brief shiver of vertigo. She was alive, Korra was alive, they were all alive. And now, they were safe. For the first time in a long while, she fell asleep, without dread wrapping around her neck, but hope.

a/n: hi everyone. i am so sorry for the long/weird update schedule. all of my assignments for school are out and its a really stressful time rn. you guys might have to wait for a little longer in between each update for the next few weeks (or until holidays start??) but don't worry, book 4 is definitely being worked

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