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DCBS: Chapter 23

The holiday was coming to an end.

During this period of time, the business of Xingyue Bakery became more prosperous. Many shops had taken advantage of the situation and launched the same type of exploding custard croissant. The taste might be similar but the popularity couldn’t be compared to the former.

The popularity of this croissant wasn’t because it was delicious. It was more due to the attraction brought about by Ji Tong’s photo.

The photos taken after imitating his actions were everywhere, but none of these deliberately posed shots could reproduce the natural and rich atmosphere of happiness.

He Shiwen was very aware of the credit of this photo but didn’t try to continue to consume it, such as printing it out as a large advertisement and hanging it in front of the store or asking Ji Tong to do publicity.

The decorations in the story hadn’t changed. The not-so-big frame still hung firmly on the wall behind the cash register along with photos of his daughter and wife eating.

He Shiwen refused all those who wanted to invest or join. He wasn’t ready to expand and open branches or do publicity. He felt that it wasn’t good for his business to be too busy. This would lead to less time to spend with his wife and daughter.

The money was enough and he liked the relaxed days when he could occasionally be lazy and tease children.

During this small holiday, Xiao Pei’s younger brother often came, but he only stayed for a short time every day. He usually came over for lunch and dinner.

Now there were enough staff members in the store and they could eat without pausing to entertain customers. So every time Xiao Xiao Pei appeared, the customers in line would recognize him and take photos of him excitedly, as if they had encountered a little star by chance.

At that time, Xiao Xiao Pei was waving politely to a group of brothers and sisters. Then he would say in a serious manner that he was eating and was busy. Combine this with the quiet protective posture of the teenager next to him. In the midst of the laughter, everyone was still very reserved and didn’t rashly step forward to disturb them or make more demands.

Once there were fewer customers in the afternoon, He Shiwen would force Xiao Pei to do his homework on the small round table beside him. He knew that Xiao Pei was in his third year of high school and couldn’t waste all his vacation time on a part-time job.

During the rare quiet moments in the bakery, the handsome young man was reading a book seriously in a corner. In front of this unique scenery, even the customers who walked in would instinctively step lightly.

Everything was kept at just the right temperature for tranquility.

He Shiwen was very satisfied with such days.

On the evening of the sixth day, Xiao Pei asked for a day off tomorrow for the first time when he normally stayed in the bakery all day. He also had to leave early tonight because he had something to do.

Of course, He Shiwen didn’t object. He had seen Xiao Pei’s ID card so he asked, “Are you going to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?”

Pei Qingyuan thought about it before nodding. “There is something very important to do on my birthday.”

“Happy birthday and have fun tomorrow! Call me if you need help with anything.” He Shiwen sighed before smiling. “On my 18th birthday, I woke up early in the morning to go to the Internet cafe to play games. I got dizzy from playing and was almost caught by my mother.”

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