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Mr. Rose ran for Draco's form and growl his words, "Get out of here, and use the power for good boy." The door flung open and Mattheo rushed for the clear opening.

Mattheo thought for a second about the number of times he had bothered to hold and use his wand. Mattheo was a very physical boy and once ha learnt he could use magic with just his hands, he hadn't seen much of a need to continue using this hunk of wood.

As he rushed through the house, the other hot on his heels, he turned the final corner of the hallway and his fathers horrible laughter filled his ears. His face went hot and he stormed for the door.

Locked, like it always was. Mattheo grew up in this house he knew how to get it open. He used the same counter he always did, his father was rather predicable.

His father stood with his mouth open wide and the laughter fell from it so unashamedly. Cerci wasn't in this room, she wasn't here.

"Ah, Mattheo, there you are" He leaned forward on his hands the long table separated them.

"It should not have taken you this long to get here, why the delay, my boy?" His shark teeth peaked form behind his lips and Mattheo glared at the man in front of him.

It was known that when dark wizards came to power they are groomed into their power, taught how to handle the magic that ran in their veins. Mattheo had only ever been tortured and beaten as a way to accept his. His fathers own hunger for power, for removing what he was to the very core.

He believed he was a true wizard and in a way he was. But the blood line, his own bloodline was laced with muggle blood, the Riddle bloodline was filthy. Mattheo had only every wanted what he watched every other boy his age got... love.

Her bright red hair, her hazel green eyes, her pale skin. His love. He had always wanted what she had always given him. It was hard for Mattheo to understand such a new and positive emotion but he never doubted how truly good Cerci made him feel. She made him feel whole and accepted and that was what he wanted.

"You seem better father" Mattheo taunted.

His father's smile faltered, "Better?"

"Oh much better, almost... whole." Mattheo's smirk, the one he always offered when he was up to np good spread across his face.

"How-" His breath caught in his throat as Draco rounded the corner, Cerci's father close behind him."Good, now, take them back-"

"Geminio" Draco muttered, his body morphed into several of himself and Mattheo could see the small thread of sanity snap inside his fathers eyes.

"Traitor" Voldemort muttered, the Death Eaters in the room stood, "Traitor!" He shouted, pointing his crooked in the many Draco's direction.

"You-" again the actions of the boy stopped his fathers words, this time, Draco had disarmed every Death Eater in the room with a single spell.

Mr. Rose moved to the centre of the room and amplified his voice, casting a silencing spell over the room, locking all the doors. Mattheo was sure that if he was to grab for a handle he'd be zapped once again.

"You believe you are enough to stop me? Kill me?" The Dark Lord stood to his full height and as Mattheo raised his wand, Blaise along side him, his wand was blasted from his grasp.

There was a second where Mattheo looked down at his own hand and then back at Blaise's but the confusion was written all over his face as well.

"Sorry lads..." There was movement behind them. "Gotta do whatcha gotta do..." Theodore walked past the group, his steps were so calm and slow that it made Mattheo's skin crawl.

"Wh-" Pansy was silenced, her mouth was still moving but all sound stopped as she attempted to speak again.

"Parkinson, you talk far too much, Merlin. And" Theodore chuckled and the dark sound boiled Mattheo's blood. "You are so fucking needy." Theodore groaned and threw his head back.

He stood at his full height and looked back at the group, one by one he locked eyes with everyone and then he burst out laughing. "You should see your faces" Mattheo took a step forward and then stopped.

His own father had his wand raised and a sinister grin on his face, "That's the thing Matty," Theodore moved towards Mattheo, casting the Muffiato charm on him too. "If you aren't too bust chasing girls that don't want you, then you get what you want." Theodore's face twisted into a snarl.

"You fucking-" Draco's voice was silenced as well.

"No speaking out of turn now." The Dark Lord spoke, his arm that held his wand raised and they all rose off of their feet. Mattheo locked his face, ensuring there was no fear. He knew if he seemed scared his father would revel in it, enjoy it.

"Now to decide what to do with you, Theodore has been doing such a good job of planning your next challenge. I bet you never even saw it coming." The Dark Lord smiled so wide, it seemed painful.

Mattheo only glared and Theodore stepped forward.

"Godrick, I'll tell you what Mattheo, I didn't think you had it in you." The tip of Theodore's wand ran down Mattheo's cheek, and where it touched his skin split. He tried to curse Theodore out but he couldn't speak. "Killing you're own mother, that is twisted. That is pure evil." Mattheo's eyes wavered for a second but it was enough for Theodore to catch, he knew he had cut Mattheo deep.

His smile widened, his eyes glinting. "We have never known what happens to a wizard that wins against a unicorn, Cerci's magic won out against that beast." Theodore shrugged and stepped back so he was standing shoulder to shoulder with the Dark Lord.

"The hardest part was letting that creature's blood flow into the dirt, going to waste." Theo turned to the Dark Lord and the Dark Lord nodded back at him. They looked like a rather familiar pair.

How long had Theodore been under his fathers wing?

This one's for you shorty_reader_

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