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Aditya looked at him, his eyes full of questions.

Haya closed her eyes, too tired to say anything. The last few hours had been a rollercoaster ride. The day didn't seem like it wanted to end anytime soon.

Throwing one last glance at the people surrounding the room, she walked into the bathroom, heading straight for the shower.

He touched her hair, her skin. His eyes touched everywhere.

As the hot water cascaded over her body, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the day slowly washing away. Each drop seemed to soothe her weary muscles and calm her racing mind.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and let the water wash away the remnants of fear and disgust. A sigh left her mouth as she scrubbed away the lingering feeling of his touch until she couldn't feel it anymore. Her skin was red with the scrubbing and the hot water.

Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped herself in the robe and faced her reflection in the mirror.

At least he was safe.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she cast a glance at the bed, her mind too cloudy with hundreds of thoughts. Shaking her thoughts away, she walked into the hall, her footsteps falling short as she noticed the absence of two people.

"Where did Samar go?" She asked.

"Office, Zaviyar is with him." Kabir replied, "Here, I made you tea." He said, pouring the tea out of the flask.

Her eyes met with Adi's, and he patted the space beside him, asking her to sit wordlessly.

"What's...I don't understand whatever that's happening!" She said, her agony visible on her face.

"Before I tell you anything, that was very stupid of you to leave without letting me know. You included Adi." Kabir said, giving a pointed look to both of them.


"No. With all the clues you had, you had an idea that whoever it was, wasn't bluffing or playing games. He could've had weapons. He could've seriously hurt you and he could've taken you with him." He cut her off, "You might be strong enough to fight but you didn't know what you were going to deal with. What if he wasn't alone?" He asked.

Sensing something wrong when Haya closed the door behind them upon Adi's arrival, he decided to keep a watch on them.

Disappointment filled him but he wasn't surprised when he saw them leaving the apartment alone and followed them behind.

"Would you have let me go if I had told you?" Haya asked, "I wasn't...I was not thinking about anything else."

"Haya he could've hurt you!" Kabir replied, his voice going to decibel higher than he intended it to be.

"I was handling myself fine before you intervened." She replied.

"Yeah? You were going to murder him. We didn't know where Raghav was and you were going to destroy our only source to find him." He replied.

"Can you stop? Hogaya na jo hona tha? Bhai is home, we have the asshole under control, stop yelling at her." Adi interrupted before the conversation could go anywhere else.
(Can you stop? Whatever was to happen, happened right? Bhai is home, we have the asshole under control, stop yelling at her.)

"I'm not blaming her. I just want to let her know that the move she pulled was very immature and unsafe." Kabir replied, sitting down, "I should've known better than leaving you two alone." He huffed, "Piyo ab isko!" He said, looking at the untouched tea cup. (Drink it up now!)

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