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"You really outdid everyone with that clapping," Adi said as he came to stand beside Haya.

"Told you I will." She shrugged with a proud smile on her face, "Where's the cake?" She whispered.

"For what?" He asked.


"Oh, no. There's no cake, Bhai didn't want to celebrate with all these people he barely knows-"

"I bought a gift for the man I barely know!" She whisper yelled, poking his chest with her finger.

"But the invite didn't say it's his birthday party too." He frowned in confusion.

"You personally invited me dumb fuck." She cursed, "You know what, you're the most stupid, dumb, and oh-so-irritating man-"

She stopped speaking, gasping as her dress felt way too cooler, her eyes meeting Naina's before dropping to the glass of wine in her hands that was empty now.

"You did not."

"I'm so sorry." Naina's eyes widened comically, "I didn't see where I was going, I'm so sorry Haya-"

"You guys know each other?" Aditya interrupted, looking at Haya with a glare.

"Girls, yes we met while you were giving a speech," Haya replied.

He stepped closer to Haya, whispering angrily, "You just wait and watch, I'm going to murder you slowly-"

"Naina! Can you please keep Adi some company while I go fix my dress?" Haya smiled, walking away from there, looking at Adi while wiggling her brows as she moved her hands weirdly to say 'kiss' in her special sign language.

"So um..I'll just go..." Naina cleared her throat.

"How's the party?" He asked quickly.

She looked at him in surprise, "It's good, really good." She nodded, "This is my first business party." She admitted.

"And the company? You enjoy working at the company by far?" Aditya asked, signaling the server.

"Yes! It's so perfect, I always dreamed to work in such an environment and my coworkers are so nice to me, our manager...man, she was so polite with us! You know I was expecting her to be a rude, uptight kinda person but she proved me so wrong, I'm so in awe of her. Have you seen her ordering all these men around? It's so-"

She stopped talking as he replaced her empty glass of wine with a new one.

She looked at him, biting her lip from the inside as he looked at her with his brows raised, an amused smile playing on his lips.

"Go on."

"I was rambling, wasn't I?" She closed her eyes, feeling embarrassed.

"I don't mind." He shrugged.

"I'll just go...check on Haya, I didn't mean to do that, I feel guilty now." She sighed.

"It was a mistake, it's fine." He replied.

She mumbled something under her breath but he wasn't paying much attention, he was looking at the catering corner.

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