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“It's been a week and there's no update from Zaviyar.” Haya sighed as she saw Aditya running beside her, quickly catching up to her before slowing down.

“If only everything was that easy Haya, give him some time.” Aditya frowned, “You yourself told me that he said he left the job, it's probably hard to pull the strings now.”

“I just want this to be over.” She replied, “Every time I'm with Raghav, I can't focus on him…all my attention is on finding if someone is looking at us, if there's a camera around and I hate it.”

“I was expecting a good morning first but are we really having a conversation about your relationship with my brother?” He asked, frowning as he regretted not drinking water earlier.

Too familiar with her morning routine, he decided to ditch the gym and join her instead, driving an hour to run along with her.

“The day couldn't have started any better, Adi, don't you start now.” Haya replied, her pace slowing down until she wasn't running anymore.

Adi stopped running, turning around to look at her, “What's wrong?” He asked, walking over to her.

“Woke up at 3. Fucking periods. Went to get myself a hot water bag and couldn't find it, I wanted to make myself feel better so I looked for some dark chocolate but guess what? It was submerged in the leftover sabzi and that was the last chocolate I had.” She huffed.

“Aw, I'll get you some chocolates and why are you running? Take some rest.” He frowned.

“I was feeling better and I didn't have any milk for tea,” She shrugged, “Plus Mummy is coming, she said she packed lunch and breakfast for me. She'll be stopping by on her way to the office.”

“Aunty is coming?” Adi straightened up, “Why didn't you tell me earlier?” He asked, running his hand over his hair, they were slowly growing out, he had gotten another cut to make the now-overgrown buzz cut better.

“You're not meeting her.” She slapped her hand over his chest, pushing him away as she jogged towards the entrance.

“Stop me.” He replied, taking his sunglasses hanging on his t-shirt and wearing them.

Her phone pinged with a message, notifying her that her mother was here but before she could make her way towards her, Adi was already walking to the car that stopped just now.

“If it isn't my favorite girl…” He said, opening the door of the car as he offered his hand to her mother.

“If it isn't the charmer.” Her mother replied, getting out of the car.

Haya stood in front of them, both of her hands resting on her hips as she looked at them, an annoyed expression on her face.

“I've been missing you like crazy, how are you?” He asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as both of them walked towards Haya.

"Tolerating my husband." She replied with a sigh.

"I think you meant your husband is the one tolerating you?" Haya asked, rolling her eyes, "Aur tu, haath hata mummy par se." She said to Adi.
(And you, move your hand away from my mum.)

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