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She tried to read from the computer screen, her face way too close to the screen than necessary as she narrowed her eyes to read the words on the screen.

"Andar hi ghus ja na screen ke." Aditya pulled her head back by grabbing her ponytail.
(Why don't you just go inside the screen?)

"Get out Adi."

"Are you friends with Naina yet?" He asked.

"You're not letting me focus." She replied.

"To chashma banwa le na andhi aurat!" He smacked the back of her neck, making her nose hit the screen.
(Then get your eyes checked, blind woman.)

"Tune ek aur baar haath chalaya to maine tere haathon ke saath saath taangein bhi tod deni hai." She warned, rubbing her nose.
(If you raised your hand one more time, I'll break your legs along with your hands.)

"Are you friends with Naina?" He asked again.

"Nope." She lied.

Haya met Naina a week ago again at the office and ever since they didn't stop talking to each other. She had her number too but Adi didn't know that.

"I saw you with her at the canteen yesterday, don't lie." He rolled his eyes.

"And? I can't socialize with people without being friends with them?" She raised a brow, leaning back on the chair as she bit back a smile.

"No stranger can handle your mood swings unless they're friends with you." He pointed out.

"Why are you so persistent? I thought you didn't like her or something?" She asked.

"Of course I don't, I just wanted to know if you're settling in well or not." He said, making his way out of her office when the door opened, "Haya, guess what-"

A very excited Naina barged into her office, running straight into Aditya while he turned towards Haya, his eyes wide open in surprise.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. I mean obviously, I couldn't, the door was closed but I wasn't aware that you were walking out wait, again, the door was closed but-"

"Naina, calm." He interrupted.

"Right." She nodded, stepping back and leaving his shirt once she realized how close she was standing to him.

An awkward silence took residence in the room until Haya decided to break it, "You were saying something?"

"Yes!" She took a seat in front of Haya, "I solved the stupid question you gave me, and guess what? I have Aditya's number."

A chuckle left his throat as he covered his eyes to stop himself to look at her, "Do leave a text." He said before leaving the room.

While talking to Haya a couple of days ago, Naina accidentally let it slip that she liked Aditya, making her tease about it. When Naina asked for his number, Haya ended up giving her a mathematical equation to solve, that was how Adi gave her his number in college.

"He was still here?" Naina bit her lip nervously.

"Don't forget to text him." Haya laughed.

Banging her head on the desk, Naina smacked her head, "Why?" She asked herself, stopping herself from banging her head on the wall.

Aasma knocked on the door.

"Come in please."

"Ma'am? It's time for the board meeting, should I join you as well?" Aasma asked, stepping inside.

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