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"My head hurts."

"Stop spinning on the chair," Adi murmured.

"My stomach hurts too," Haya added.

"Let's go eat something."

"My life sucks."

"Stop overreacting." He tried to stop her chair from spinning but she moved away with the chair, still spinning round and round.

"I want to stop breathing." She whispered.

"No, you don't."

"I have no point to live on this earth now." Her voice went lower and lower every time she spoke.

"Are you going to cry? I don't have tissues in my office right now." Adi looked at her worriedly, making her throw a pen at him.

"Can you Google the easiest way to die for me?" She asked.

"Haya, it's just a job. You'll get a new one-"

"It's not just a job Adi! I spent two years there, I spent the last three months working on this project, and for what? That inconsiderate bitch to give it to her niece, see I could've forgotten about it but you know what? She ordered me, ordered! To hand over my ideas to her!" She exclaimed.

"Go on. You still haven't gotten to the main part of the story." Adi replied.

"I was angry, okay?"

"What did you do Haya?" Aditya asked.

"I just...I wasn't thinking straight and I threw my coffee at her." She whispered.

"Great." Adi hummed.

"Got the last word at least." She closed her eyes, spinning the chair again. "Sometimes I wish I could just marry a rich man and become a housewife but then the little bit of my feminist side wakes up and boom, all my plans go in vain."

"I don't know if I should laugh or cry." He said, getting up from his chair as he shut down the laptop and kept the files in the drawer, "Italian or Mexican?" He asked.

"Honestly, I prefer Spanish." She replied.



"You wanna eat Mexican or Italian?" He asked.

"We were talking about food?" She frowned.

"Obviously Haya, what else- nevermind." He shook his head.

She turned her head sidewards, looking out of the one-sided glass, "It's always the hot ones." She mumbled to herself, sighing.

Her eyes widened as she saw him walking toward Aditya's office. Turning her chair around quickly, she busied herself with the paperweight.

Her heartbeat rose as she heard the knocks on the door before it was thrown open, Adi looked up at his brother, "Bhai, I was about to call you." He said, rounding the table.

Keeping a hand over Haya's chair, Adi turned her around, "I didn't get a chance to introduce to both last week."

His brow quirked up as he forwarded his hand towards her, "I'm Raghav, nice to meet you."

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