Chapter 20: Bo Chen's Decision

Start from the beginning

He then hurried through the gate and got a smaller bamboo basket before Meng Yao could say anything. He placed the bamboo basket he carried on his back down and stuffed five of the rabbits he just caught into the smaller one for Meng Yao. He then ran back to hand the rabbits to her.

"I don't know if your family likes rabbits but I caught these today." Mochou said as he handed the basket to Meng Yao.

"You don't have to do this. You should keep them for yourself." She said a little surprised at how generous Mochou was being.

"I still have a several and I can always catch more. Please accept these." Mochou insisted. Meng Yao laughed a little as she took the basket from Mochou and left.


After he placed the remaining rabbits in his makeshift pen Mochou went to work on his garden. Yichen had told him he would mend the lightly damaged tools but without him there Mochou had to do it himself. Once done he went to work digging up the yard.

"I've never farmed before. I know the basics from watching TV and stuff but will anything actually grow here?" Mochou wondered as he dug up another large stone.

Making the yard into a garden seemed like a good idea, but it was proving to be a lot harder than he thought. The soil was riddled with stones. After an hour he had half a bucket full. He grabbed it and being careful not to hurt his back he picked up the bucket and dumped it out on the other side of the wall.

"It's getting late and I'm running a little low on firewood. I should take a quick walk before it gets dark and pick some up. I'll have to keep working in the garden tomorrow." Mochou finally came to a decision after considering the time.

He was exhausted and there wasn't much he could accomplish in the half hour before the sun set anyway. So he walked out the gate and left the unfinished garden behind.

When he came back with a basket full of scrap wood he found he noticed the gate to his home was left open.


"Yichen?!" Mochou thought as he quickly but down the basket and hurried inside.


Mochou felt his blood run cold as he stared at the man standing in his little hut. His chest was tight making it difficult to breathe and his heart was pounding in his chest.

"You useless GER. Why couldn't you just die?" The man said.

Mochou had never met the man standing in his home. But he knew him. His body knew him.

"Father?" Mochou whispered.

"Don't call me that. You useless thing." He threatened through clenched teeth with a look of disgust.

Mochou stepped back. His body was telling him to run. But Mochou was no longer the Mochou that was abused by the man standing in front of him. He resisted his own body's instincts and stood his ground.

"Why are you here?" Mochou asked.

"A matchmaker can to my house today. Apparently they were sent by that nosy village leader on behalf of his third son." The man said. He spoke calmly but Mochou knew the man could snap at any second.

"Did you agree?" Mochou asked, but somehow he felt such good news was impossible. Bo Chen clicked his tongue in disgust.

"Letting you marry means allowing you to have children. I won't let that happen. Once you die I want there to be no trace of you left in this world." He said.

"I want to marry him. I'll do anything to marry him." Mochou said.

"The only way you'll ever marry that boy or anyone is in your next life." Bo Chen said.

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