Chapter 19: Be Patient

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"You already ate one. Don't be greedy." He said.

The two quietly began fighting over the buns. The mood was lively and boisterous until it abruptly came to an end when Ke Xin decided to speak.

"Mother-in-law, you cannot be serious about allowing that monster into the family!" She said.

Yichen immediately glared at her. "Call him a monster again and I'll hit you!" Yichen threatened.

"Yichen!" His father coldly said. He was never someone who condoned violence in his home. Which was difficult considering he had four sons.

Yichen wanted to defend his words but one look from his father shut him up.

"Ke Xin, do you have an issue with Mochou joining the family?" Yichen's mother asked. She was strangely calm. Compared to her usually volatile temperament when dealing with her sons, she would deal with their wives coldly. Like a stern mother-in-law should.

"I do. That mon... GER has a horrible reputation not only here but even within town and the surrounding villages. Everyone knows his family tried to kill him. There is no way they would have a decent dowry for him. Bringing him into the family will only tarnish our reputation. You cannot agree to this marriage." Ke Xin pleaded with a strong and clear resolve.

Yichen clenched his fist tight at his side. If his father hadn't been staring at him he would have beat her right then and there.

"Reputation? You are correct. His is one of the worst within the village. He has suffered his entire life and everyone within the village is aware of his struggles. But I have seen the place he calls home and spoken to him directly. Despite his poor circumstances I saw no sign of him wallowing in his misfortune." She began to explain.

"That doesn't change the fact that him marrying into the family will be a stain on our family's reputation." Ke Xin said.

"We can mend his reputation by allowing people to see past his appearance to the thoughtful, clean, and hardworking individual that he is. Our reputation is more than good enough to do so. However allowing a young woman whose family has a good reputation but in reality is lazy and judgemental... well that would be the real stain on our family's reputation." Yichen's mother said as she gave Ke Xin an accusatory look.

Ke Xin got the hint and shut her mouth tight.

Yichen gave a satisfied smirk. Ke Xin was his second brother's wife. He wasn't as familiar with her as the rest of the family, but he quickly found her too be different from the woman he met at his brother's wedding.

When she first came to the family she acted like a respectable young lady from a good family. But Yichen quickly noticed since returning to the village that she had been more interested in spending time at the village square gossiping with the other village woman than helping his mother and eldest sister-in-law who was pregnant.

"My Mochou is way better than a lazy b*tch like her." He thought as he stared at the brooding Ke Xin.

"Now then, your father and I have called for the matchmaker to come by. When she arrives we will discuss the dowry and begin the process of arranging the marriage." Yichen's mother said.

"Thank you mom." Yichen said with a sincere smile.

"Do not thank me yet. Mochou's family may not be so easy to deal with." His mother said.

"Dad mentioned that as well. I don't get it. If they don't care about Mochou why wouldn't they be glad to marry him off?" Yichen asked.

"Yichen that family is complicated and the father was never a good man. He has driven two wives to their death. Only Mochou's mother, his current wife has managed to survive." Yichen's mother explained.

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