And when he grabbed the doorknob of the next room,

"Untie this and go!"

Del's sharp voice faintly reached from inside. Hunter, without realizing it, opened the door forcefully.

"Prince Del!"

The first thing he saw upon opening the door was Duke Alexis holding a sword. Only after turning his gaze away did he notice Del. Tied up naked, soaked in sweat and tears. His white, soft body with nipple pinchers and a long object inserted at the tip of the erect penis.

Hunter's lower body in an instant became stiff. He knew he had to free Del quickly, but he couldn't lift his foot. He felt like if he got even one step closer he would lose his mind and attack Del

He managed to interrogate Khan, ignoring the growing stiffness of his lower body but even that attempt was rendered useless when. The tools that were restraining Del's chest and genitals were removed.

Hunter couldn't resist Del, who was moaning and screaming.

"I hate everything..."

So when Del said that and closed his eyes, Hunter, as if possessed, reached out and pressed on Del's reddened nipple.

Even though Del had lost consciousness, his body was so sensitive that his waist jerked violently. Next to him, he heard Khan snickering.

"Even the Crown Prince seems tempted."

Hunter was startled by those words and let go of his hand. Before he could offer an excuse, his eyes were drawn again to Del's nipples.

The red, round, and soft bumps slowly rose as if swelling like flower petals. Hunter's throat gulped. The focus of his eyes blurred. His pants felt like they were about to burst, and his breathing became short.

"When Del Narcissus wakes up, it would be nice if something was inserted in him."

Khan had a satisfied and cheerful smile on his face as if picturing Del at that time.

"You get the back, I will have the front."

At the same time, the way he stuck his tongue into one of his cheeks making it bulge was shockingly vulgar. How could an Archduke behave like that? But oddly enough, Hunter couldn't shake off Khan's temptation.

He had waited all this time to find Del. During the wait, he had dedicated himself to work to keep himself in check. He had minimal meals and didn't get proper sleep. Each day was filled with either official duties or studying the Mana deficiency.

For over half a year, there hadn't been any desire to satisfy his sexual urges. There were more important things for him, and such trivial desires meant little to him. He had tried masturbating a few times, but it always ended with losing interest.

However, now, the things he had been suppressed for a long time seemed to burst forth unexpectedly. He wanted to touch Del. He wanted to enter Del. He wanted to possess Del. He wanted to hear Del's moans once again and witness Del squirming below him and getting fucked by no one but Hunter.

Hunter reached out to Del again.

If I were to take you here now...

"Fuck, have you really lost your mind?"

A voice from behind, forgotten until now. Both Khan and Hunter turned around at the same time, as if their private gathering had been disturbed, or as if they had been forcefully awakened from a shared dream.

Andrea, with a terrifying expression, was limping as he entered. He bit his lip when he saw Dell lying naked on the bed, covered in bodily fluids. Severe red marks, tear stains on his cheeks, and signs of struggle were visible.

Andrea swiftly threw a dagger, a moment so quick that Hunter could only react by leaning backward in response to the sound. Surprisingly, Khan used his sword to deflect the dagger. Both of them displayed astonishing speed.

"Crazy. Throwing a knife at the Archduke. Trying to kill the Crown Prince, two birds with one stone."

Despite the mix of criticism and mockery in his words, Khan was laughing. His eyes gleamed with excitement and curiosity. He instinctively recognized Andrea's level. As someone experienced in conquests and battles, Khan found the current situation quite enjoyable. Even though their lives were nearly lost, another competitor who desired his prisoner had appeared.

However, Andrea had no time to laugh. He had been in a state of irrationality since he saw Del. The ties of reason had snapped. There are no clear signs of non-consensual sex.

Andrea had taken Del's first experience. Even before he had lost his memory, Andrea knew how ignorant Del had been about sexual encounters between men and how difficult it was for him to receive his own. Even if I hug him, console him, and comfort him, it's not enough to express, how desperately and precious Del is to him. dare he?

Guild members who saw this would say, "The Guild Leader's eyes turned upside down," as Andrea calmly took out a new weapon. He looked composed and calm, but on the inside he was raging with fear.

I will kill that bastard.

Andrea rushed towards Khan with that single thought. Khan's greatsword clashed with Andrea's dual-edged shortsword. Due to the nature of an assassin who had to conceal weapons on their body and the fact that Andrea's sword was designed more for thrusting or throwing than slashing, he was at a disadvantage against Khan's overpowering force and survival-oriented weapon.

However, even in such a situation, Andrea had no choice but to pounce.

"You will die here today."

Andrea spat out the words. Khan's smile grew even wider.

"How fun."

Shoulders, abdomen, arms, thighs—Khan relentlessly swung his sword, pressing Andrea. In reality, it was more like a downward strike than a swing. Every time Andrea blocked the attack, strong vibrations and sparks flew from the blade.

"And how are you going to kill me?"

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