"Are you injured anywhere?"


"Daring to molest Narcissus, who is a miracle of Eura... The gods will surely be angered."

"I'm fine, Alan... Eura will probably tell you to forgive the Second Prince...."

I muttered insincerely with a dark expression on my face. Somehow, it seemed like going this way would provoke Alan. Sure enough, Alan, as if choked up, grabbed my hand.

"Narcissus, you may not remember because you lost your memory, but I've said this before. Eura's tears signify an unwavering conscience that can't be extinguished in any hardship and injustice. A truly corrupt person cannot shed these tears."

Should I have chosen the sobbing route in front of Alan as well? Even now, should I squeeze out some tears? While contemplating this, Alan firmly spoke.

"The Second Prince has never shed a tear despite engaging in such despicable acts. Unlike Narcissus, who always repents silently in his heart and confesses his sins, he is different."


I looked at Alan with suspicious eyes, but it seemed like there was no sign of lying in Alan. He was thoroughly immersed in emotion.

"But this time, you will go beyond atonement and forgiveness,... I wonder when I can understand the deep intentions of Narcissus."

There were no deep meanings, there was nothing to understand. My heart was currently filled with a desire for revenge, wanting to inflict injustice upon the Second Prince.

"I think it's better to widely publicize this. Everyone must know how Narcissus felt when he wanted to forgive the Second Prince.

Alan jumped up from his seat. Then, with a stern expression, he made the sign of the cross.

"To forgive the corrupt, before that, Eura and their children must thoroughly understand his sins. I will spread the word to the temples across the continent and support Narcissus's will."

In other words, starting with informing everyone about the Second Prince's sins, the idea was to forgive the Second Prince's crimes together. I sighed deeply, nodding my head in agreement.

"I'll trust Alan... Please help me to be able to forgive that poor man."

"Don't worry, Narcissus. I'll take responsibility and spread this matter throughout the continent."

Alan, brimming with a sense of duty, bid farewell and left the room. I remained lying on the sofa.

"Oh, it's hard...."

Still, I didn't feel bad. Because it seemed like the downfall of the Second Prince was coming sooner than expected. I needed to make sure that the Second Prince wouldn't dare to touch that poor servant again as he did with me. With that thought, I drifted into a nap.


"....Guild Leader!"

Thud, thud. The sound of flesh and bones colliding filled the alley. The walls and the ground were covered in blood, and the foul stench of blood and urine lingered nauseatingly in the air.

"Guild Leader!"

Andrea continued his violence despite the calls for him to stop. Five, six, seven... As the number of people he knocked down increased, the tension and the feeling of his boiling blood became more intense.

"Guild Leader!"

Eventually, the caller of the voice jumped down from the building and clung to Andrea's back. Due to the sudden attack from above, Andrea fell to the floor.


The voice was lower than usual and very sharp. The guild member who had jumped down from the second floor to stop Andrea and get his attention swallowed her saliva nervously.

"Brother Victor said there's information he thought should be reported to the Guild leader quickly. You don't even pretend to listen."

The youngest guild member, who was still not yet eighteen and dominated the cuteness of the Undice and Cruel guilds, whined out of habit. Andrea, usually tolerant of the youngest member's not-so-annoying antics, was annoyed to the point of wanting to kill her this time.

"Get out of the way and talk."

Andrea's cold response had the youngest child jump up. Still, she was a perceptive kid. Andrea also got up, and the youngest quickly dusted off Andrea's clothes.

"Hehe, Guild Leader, are you in a bad mood these days? The atmosphere is so scary that I'm scared. If you keep killing people who aren't even targets, the cleanup team members might have trouble."

"What's the information?"

"Speak up."

"Uh, that..."

The youngest member looked at the fallen gangsters in the alley and, once confirming that they were all unconscious, finally spoke up.

"There has been a similar report from my older sisters and brothers planted in the palace. It seems the Second Prince tried to rape the future Crown Princess."


Andrea's face instantly turned pale, but it was hard to tell because of the blood splattered on his face. The youngest child continued to relay the remaining information.

"He forcibly hugged, kissed, and even touched his dick in the palace garden... It seems the Crown Princess fainted after crying too much."

My heart sank, my head turned white and I heard a ringing in my ears. Andrea, forgetting to breathe, struggled to understand the story he had just heard. Right now, the future Crown Princess being mentioned is Del. Del Narcissus, Del who is currently in the palace, my Del...

"They say the Crown Prince saved him, but the Crown Princess seems to be in shock, avoiding food in his room.......Guild Leader? Guild Leader!"

The youngest called out desperately, but Andrea had already rushed off. His speed was so extraordinary that if someone saw it, they might make the mistake he used teleportation magic.

"Sigh... In the end, I have to take care of the bodies."

The youngest sighed with a miserable expression, looking at the sight of gangsters spread across the alley. She continued to mumble, murmuring that the guild leader's heart must have been seriously wounded.

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