To be honest, I pretended to sip tea while dozing off a bit. I even took breaks to go to the bathroom. The teacher wasn't called a scholar for nothing. He was a studious person full of intellectual curiosity, which made him quite talkative.

I was slow when learning simple spelling and sentence structures, so I couldn't fully concentrate on the teacher's stories. However, during the more than two hours the teacher continued the class, I could be sure that most of the toxicity of the Waroom in my body was almost completely gone.

"I'll go to the bathroom again."

When I stood up for the fifth time, the teacher patiently smiled and nodded. He seemed slightly annoyed, but I didn't care if he was angry.

I hurried to the bathroom, relieved myself, and washed my hands. My face in the mirror looked clean and neat. I no longer felt dizzy or uneasy. When I woke up, even my cold fingertips were bleeding.

I put the towel I used to dry my hands into the sink and soaked it thoroughly in water. After confirming that the towel, now damp and heavy, was in the sink, I used the handle of the towel rack to push the soap and soap dish, toothbrush, and salt bowl onto the floor.

A loud, clamorous noise echoed in the bathroom as if something was tearing apart.

"Angel! What happened!"

I heard the teacher's panicked voice rushing towards me from outside. I quickly grabbed the sink and laid down.

At that moment, the teacher, looking terrified, opened the bathroom door and entered.

"Teacher" I weakly spoke, still lying beneath the sink.

"I told you to rest, but I'll support you. Come this way."

The teacher grabbed my forearm. At that moment, I quickly stood up, grabbed the wet towel from the sink, and struck the teacher's face with it.

"Ugh!" The heavy towel struck the teacher's face. In the moment of his surprise and stumble, I raised the towel again and covered his face. The wet towel stuck to the teacher's face, blocking his view, and stuck to his nose and mouth.


I pulled down the end of the towel with all my strength. The teacher, with his airways blocked by the wet towel, struggled to breathe, chest heaving and arms flailing in an attempt to inhale. However, victory was mine. After the teacher collapsed to the floor, it became even easier.

The teacher resisted to some extent, but as someone who stayed at home reading books without training in any physical activity, his strength was similar to mine. It didn't take long for me to completely overpower him. I removed the towel just before the teacher was about to suffocate and checked if he had truly lost consciousness.


However, I didn't immediately leave the house just because the teacher had fainted. There was a possibility that he could wake up quickly and alert others. If that happened, without trying anything, I would find myself standing on the execution platform alongside Andrea and Alan.

After removing the hood the teacher was wearing, I tore it apart, tied the teacher's wrists and ankles, and then grabbed a cloth from the kitchen to stuff it into the teacher's mouth.

"This is how real confinement is done."

I left the teacher lying on the bathroom floor and tightly closed the door. It was time for me to find my new allies.

But as I confidently walked towards the door, my steps gradually slowed. I realized there might be servants waiting in front of my house. Whether they were guards, servants, warriors, or whatever they were called, the people in this village were generally well-built and experienced in combat.

If a fight broke out, I would definitely lose. If they had Waroom powder, I would likely collapse again as soon as I stepped out of the door. If I lost consciousness once more and woke up later, Andrea and Alan might already be killed.

What should I do? How can I evade them and go to Andrea and Alan? How can I find out where Andrea and Alan are? Suddenly, a simple thought crossed my mind.

"What if I just... ask them to take me?"


I wasn't skilled in fighting like Andrea, breaking someone's wrist with a single motion, nor could I use divine power like Alan. My physical strength was low, and my spelling was often incorrect. But I did have my strengths.

My beautiful appearance and the status of an angel, the latter being just a delusion created by the Chief of Sablum, but since people believed it, it worked.

I nonchalantly opened the door and went out. As expected, servants were standing in front of the door. Their number was six. Although they hadn't drawn their swords, they blocked my way with a fierce attitude.

"Please go back inside, Angel."

"Our Chief instructed that if the Angel resists, we are allowed to use force."

"We don't want to do this either."

The servants spoke harshly. One of them even asked.

"Where is the scholar? Why are you coming out alone?"

I ignored all their words and let out a long sigh. Pitifully, I fluttered my eyelashes and, with one hand, gently covered my cheek. I could feel them being taken aback as they suppressed their energy.

"I lost my mind for a moment. Being the only angel who directly receives the words of Lord Mars, dares to doubt and attempt to leave Sablum."

I bit my tongue hard. Tears welled up in my eyes. In this state, I raised my head and looked at the largest servant.

"It's disgraceful. How should I undo this shame?"

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