My eyes started to feel hot and my head was spinning.

The particles were so fine for a reason. Even if it wasn't respiratory, it could enter the eyes and have an effect. As I pondered this, I collapsed on top of Alan.

The sound of attendants rushing towards us was heard. I was shaken back and forth by their rough hands, then lost consciousness.


When people think of confinement, they usually imagine having their limbs bound and a gag in the mouth, perhaps in a dark and bloody basement or something.

But as I opened my eyes, I found myself simply on my bed. Strangely, I wasn't bound or gagged. Because the sleep penalty seemed to have lifted, and I felt refreshingly awake. The pleasant aroma of incense wafted through the house, and the brown powder scattered before my collapse seemed to have disappeared completely.

"Oh, you've awakened, Angel"

A familiar voice greeted me. Turning, I saw the teacher sitting at the table, enjoying tea with snacks.

"Teacher, what... what happened?"

At my question, the teacher's eyes widened in surprise, mixed with emotion.

"Your voice can really be heard now, my angel!"

"Uh... yes, that's how it turned out."

"Goodness, I can witness the miracle of Mars right before my eyes! Bless the glorious desert god, thank you."

Thinking that it was probably the miracle of Eura, allowing me to speak thanks to Alan's blessing, I suddenly realized that Alan and Andrea were not here.

"Where are my guards and the priest?"

As I asked the question, anxiety washed over me. However, the teacher smiled and said without hesitation.

"Oh, those heretics went to the execution ground. You don't have to worry about it."


"They tried to deceive you by forcing you to serve the god of the Melian Empire. It seems they nearly succeeded in corrupting you. Fortunately, the Chief intervened at the right moment."

A chilling sensation ran through my entire body. Swallowing saliva, my throat felt dry and scratchy.

"What do you mean Andrea and Alan went to the execution ground? Does that mean... they're dead?"

"Oh, no. They're not dead yet. The date for the execution has been set. It seems that fellow Andrea is quite the troublemaker. If it weren't for Waroom, it would have been a challenge to restrain him."


"Waroom is a powder extracted from the bark of the Warumal tree, which is blessed by our god Mars. It's our pride here in Sablum."

The teacher proudly explained, finishing his tea and taking a bite of a snack. However, I couldn't be calm. The powder they sprinkled on us earlier seemed to be Waroom, and I had no idea what Waroom was or if such a thing even existed. Seeing my puzzled expression, the teacher kindly elaborated.

"Waroom, when inhaled briefly, causes loss of consciousness. However, prolonged inhalation can lead to the development of resistance, providing intense excitement and pleasure instead of losing consciousness. It's highly addictive and damages the nerves rapidly. Recently, when our warriors go out on expeditions, they always carry Waroom with them."

Originally used as an anesthetic for treating severely injured warriors, it has been repurposed as a combat weapon by the Chief of Sablum in recent times.

"You probably wouldn't know much about it since you haven't been in Sablum for long, my angel. When you first came, the Chief seemed to receive a divine revelation from God, and he started using Waroom in this way."

The teacher reminisced with satisfaction.

"But wait, then it wasn't because of me that we won in battle. It was because of Waroom. Why am I called a fortunate angel because of that...?"

"Oh no, everything is in God's arrangement. Did the Chief not say it was thanks to you, my angel?"

While the teacher's face looked the same as usual, there was something unsettling about his eyes today. His smile on his mouth felt somewhat creepy.

"We are always grateful to you, my angel. We sincerely love and cherish you."

The teacher gently set down the teacup with elegance. Then, he continued to nibble on the snacks.

"These desserts from Deserent are truly delicious. I brought them to offer you more, my angel. Would you like some now?"

The teacher tapped the plate of snacks. Ignoring him, I got up from the bed.


However, as soon as I stepped on the floor, the room spun around me. Stumbling back to the bed, the teacher rushed over with a worried expression.

"Angel, your body is weak, and there may be lingering effects of the Waroom. Be careful not to inhale it anymore. It's best for you to lie down and rest. Please lie back down."

"Let me go."

"My angel."

The teacher spoke sternly.

"Even if you're an angel, I cannot silently watch you harm yourself. You must listen to the teacher's advice, understand?"

There were tiny crumbs of cookies stuck around his mouth. The young scholar's eyes were filled with determination and a sense of justice. He gently laid me back on the bed.

"Now, take another nap. Since you usually lack sleep, it's good to rest a bit during times like this."

He covered me with a blanket and returned to the table, lifting his teacup leisurely. Watching him, I thought to myself.

Oh, this is serious. These people... they're really a bunch of crazy lunatics...

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