Whether he stayed in Sablum or left, Andrea promised to be by my side, and he would probably keep that promise. So why is he still denying his liking for me? Is it out of loyalty to his previous crush? But that kind of loyalty doesn't need to be kept.

Now Andrea completely let go of my neck. He stood up from the bed. Where was he going? It didn't seem like he was going somewhere, but like he moved without realizing it. He was conflicted about something.

"If you have something to say, say it. I won't get hurt."

I said proudly. It was a calculated move that if I spoke like his crush, he would feel closer to me

"Del, actually the person I had a crush on is not someone else, but..."

It was when Andrea finally spoke.

Knock knock. Someone knocked on the door from outside.

"A guest has come from outside. Angel."

It was one of the guards who always guarded outside the house. I was about to say it wasn't the time, but the guard, who usually delivered news to me, opened the door without waiting for my answer. And a man in all white clothes and glasses hurriedly walked in from outside.


"...... huh?"

[Alan Bait / Priest / Servant of Temperance / favorability 42]

Didn't that only appear for the male protagonist? Why is it floating above that priest's head?

His name was Alan Bait. As the floating character information above his head indicated, he was a priest and a man with some favorability towards me. When he first came in, I was naked, but he gave me time to put on clothes, and I was able to maintain my dignity.

"It's because you lost your memory. Why is your face so bruised?"

Alan said, hearing my story briefly. Maybe because I hadn't slept properly for over three months and my physical strength had deteriorated. I thought as he stroked my rough and beautiful face.

He seemed to be a priest who had a close relationship with me when I was an angel. He explained that he had been looking for me since I disappeared after the carriage accident.

"Still, I'm just grateful to be able to meet again."

Alan said so and grabbed his cross and prayed. I looked at the noble and pure white handsome man and then glanced at Andrea, who was smiling beside me.

Andrea had a smiling face all day long, but I could easily tell that he was annoyed. It wasn't obvious, but I could tell.

"Does anyone know where Del is?"

Andrea asked, curiously. Alan answered faithfully.

"I don't know."

He added after finishing his prayer.

"I won't know in the future either."

"Uh, it's surprising. I thought a priest like you would report to His Grace Alexis or His Highness Crown Prince right away."

"Because those who only plan to put Narcissus in a cage. We can't just confine the miracle that Eura gave us to the palace or the ice prison."

Even though they were having a peaceful and calm conversation, it seemed like sparks were flying between them. The contents was also scary too. Lock me up in a cage? The Duke and Crown Prince? Why?

As if I didn't understand the language they were speaking, I looked at the two of them alternately. Andrea smiled first.

"Don't worry about it. Del. Anyway, you'll be with me."

Alan also accepted the words without hesitation.

"Your Excellency Narcissus, you don't have to worry. Once you receive official protection at the Church, the royal family will not be able to touch you."

Andrea laughed slyly.

"Protection of the Church? Isn't that another cage?"

"His Highness the Crown prince, the Grand Duke, the Magic Tower Lord, you need power that is equivalent to that to oppose them.

The Church has that power."

Alan looked at Andrea and said.

"The head of the Information Guild Undice, who received a personal request from Your Highness the Crown Prince is probably your brother... No matter how physically strong and fast the information, you have, in front of them, you are a weak individual."

Alan quickly drew his cross and murmured.

"Don't be angry, I'm just trying to wake you up to reality."

Then Alan smiled at Del.

"I know that Narcissus is burdened with receiving the name of a saint. However, in order to request protection from the Church, it is necessary to announce that Eura's miracle has come down to Narcissus. Therefore, we need to get Narcissus's consent to this. Is that okay?"

As for me, I couldn't understand a single word fro what was being said....

"Who is Eura?"

At my question, Alan let out a light gasp as if he was shocked. But then he patiently said.

"He is the god of the Mellian Empire, always by our side."

He then spread his hands near my body. Soon, a bright light burst out from his hands, making my whole body warm and refreshed. I was surprised by the pleasant sensation and looked down at my body, and Alan explained.

"When I infuse divine power like this and you react, it is Eura's miracle and evidence itself."

He gestured to the top of my head. There, the same sentence as the character information that appears when I see Andrea and Alan was floating. It was a surprising thing, but I already knew that the identity of this sentence was not Eura's miracle.

"Is this because I am an angel?"

At that, Alan tilted his head.


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