chapter fifty eight

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"Then who are you like? Are you like that man whore that you replaced us with.."

"Watch what you say about him.." anger building up inside as his hands clinches into the knife, but she laughs..

"Because it's true, come on the man is a prostitute.."

Jackson lets out a sigh calming his tense body down.. "are you really my mother?" A question that he thought he will never ask because he had already considered her a total stranger for leaving him.."

"What kind of questions is that?"

"It's a yes or no question, are you really my mother because I dougt it, you can't be my mother a woman like you can only give birth to despicable people like those two sons of yours.." he says..

"Do you know?" He adds.. "I met them, one of them looks just like you, and they are just like you as well, it's a pity to watch you know ha.."

Jackson scoffs.. "a real pity, when they get to know the truth about you and that man they might even kill you.."

"They will never kill their moth.."

"You are not their mother, you abandoned them those boys are not your sons and neither am I, so please can you mind your own business and leave me the heck along!" He lets out before hanging up..

"Stupid woman.." he mumbles under his breathe..

Hong house
Game room

"We have only been gone for two days and you already decided to replace us.." Minseok lets out, shocked at the news that Bangchan and that boy will be staying in the Hong house..

"Stop being dramatic you ass.." Namjoon lets out.. "nobody is replacing anyone but for sure we have to get ride of them now.."

"But how?" Yeosin asks laying down on the couch and her feet on Hoseok's lap.. "good question sis.."

"You guys are really selfish you know.." Felix says and the annoyens on everyone just proofs what ever he is going to say is true and it's going to hurt..

"Don't start.." Jimin cuts him off.. "why, because I'm telling you true, that you are selfish.."

Getting to his feet.. "why can't you just accept it, there is more to Mr Hong than just you guys, before he was ever your father he is someone's son and brother, he had a family before you guys.."

"What family are you talking about?" Hoseok asks letting out a scoff.. "a family will never leave their children alone in the middle of nowhere.."

"When did Bangchan leave your father anywhere ha?" He asks everyone quiet at the question.. "Bangchan was not even born when your father was abandoned, all he saw were pictures but still he craved to see his brother, a brother he doesn't know but still.." he sighs..

"You guys stand for family, protecting the pack but.."

"He is not family.." Taehyung cuts him off.. "Bangchan has more of Mr Hong's blood running through his veins than most of you.."

"It doesn't make a difference.." Jungkook says stern in his words.. "it does.. do you guys remember that you are adopted you were not born as his children, you are just the sons of a woman he once married.."

"Do you ever think of the fact that if Mr Hong had a mind set like yours.." pointing at the siblings.. "all of you would have been on the streets he would have just kicked you out, but he kept you all of you, while you can't even accept his one and only brother.."

He looks back at the siblings and all of them seems to be in deep thought except Ji-hun who seems to give zero interest about the conversation, what's the point five years ago seven idiots entered his house and life and guess what, they are still here, and now imagine fighting the brother forget it..

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