Chapter 13: Yichen's Father (pt.1)

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"I've arranged an apprenticeship with the town's doctor for you."

"Mochou won't be happy living in town."

"If you marry the young lady your mother chose living in town will be easy to arrange."

"I only want to marry Mochou. And I will only apprentice as a doctor if I can marry Mochou." Yichen stressed.

"Yichen, the GER Mochou is the worst choice you can make for a spouse. He has no assets, no skills, and his family has all but disowned him."

"You're wrong. To me he is the only choice. His assets aren't quantifiable like the young lady mom wants me to marry but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any. His skills are unique but I consider them valuable. As for his family, they are trash and I will never let them hurt him again." Yichen said.

Yichen's father looked up at him with a glimmer of pride because of his last point.

"Yichen, marrying Mochou will make your life difficult. Even if life within the home you build together is full of smiles outside of that home will be a sea of terrible rumours and people staring. Not even moving to a new village or into town will help. The difficulty that GER has suffered will always be clearly visible because of those scars." His father said once more in order to try and dissuade Yichen.

"I understand and it doesn't change things. Instead it strengthens my resolve to quickly start making arrangement so we can marry. I want to contact a matchmaker as soon as possible so I can openly support and care for him." Yichen said.

"Your mother will never approve."

"I understand but this is what I want." Yichen pleaded.

The room once again grew silent. Yichen stared as his father tapped the table with his finger in thought. Seconds felt like minutes. Minutes felt like hours until finally his father spoke.

"Let me talk to your mother." His father said.

Yichen smiled bright. With his father on his side he now stood a chance of marrying Mochou. He was about to thank his father when he was interrupted.

"Yichen you need to understand arranging a marriage is not something that's quick and simple. It can take months to negotiate a dowry and have an auspicious day chosen for the wedding. Once the process begins the villagers will know and all eyes will be on both of you. Things could get more difficult for Mochou. You'll want to protect him and go to him but you can't. You'll need to step back in the meantime. You can't meet him again. Not without a male escort or the matchmaker." Yichen's father explained.

Yichen was worried about what would happen to Mochou if they couldn't meet.

"Who will help him sell his rabbits? Buy him supplies?" Yichen mused with a worried look.

"What are thinking? Are you having doubts about the marriage?" His father asked when he noticed Yichen's face grow dark.

"No, I want to marry him. But he needs me right now. It's not easy for him to get money. He has a way but it's not worth the effort if a man isn't around to help. I offered to help but if I can't meet with him I won't be able to help him." Yichen explained.

"What are you helping him with?" Yichen's father asked.

"Mochou is pretty good at trapping rabbits. I agreed to bring them into town to sell and exchange for rice, clothes and all things he desperately needs right now." Yichen admitted.

"How can a GER like him hunt or trap animals?" His father questioned.

"Hehe... It's one of Mochou's many mysteries. The answer itself isn't important. What matters is that he can't sell what he catches without help." Yichen said.

After Death, I Finally Met The Man Of My Dreams Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz