At that moment, Andrea stood up from the sofa and suddenly hugged me. In the blink of an eye, my forehead was buried in his chest. The warmth and pleasant scent of soap instantly enveloped me.

"Don't pay attention to what people who don't know anything say. Del, you can do anything you want if it makes you happy."

Andrea said,

"I've had the same thoughts when I was young. I wished someone would hug me, love me, and call my name."

His gentle voice settled into my ears. The voice telling an old story came through my ears to my heart. Something began to well up in my chest.

"It's childish, but I desperately wanted it. I felt lonely too."

I wondered if Andrea had told me this before I lost my memory. Do we usually say such things to each other?

I had never been happy about losing my memory, but now, suddenly, I feel resentful of my punishment of amnesia. I had forgotten everything about Andrea except his name. Actually, I didn't even remember his name, I only learned it because God told me

I stretched out my arms and hugged Andrea's waist. I could feel his back which was strong, was stiffening as if it were a rock.

Only then did I realize that this man was also unfamiliar with me doing this. Yet, He was a kind person by nature, and as soon as I told him I was lonely, he ignored all the unfamiliarity and awkwardness and hugged me.

I impulsively wanted to say.

I'll hug you too, Andrea Sloane. I'll tell you that I like you.

But the words didn't come out as if something was stuck in my throat like a wad of socks. So instead, I rubbed my forehead against his stomach. Even if my hair scattered and left a red mark on my forehead, I didn't care. I was acting like a puppy craving affection after trying to get him to hug me first. I just wanted my feelings to be conveyed right now.

"Thank you"

Andrea said as if he clearly understood my heart.

At that moment, I had a gut feeling this was the right time. I tilted my head back and looked directly at Andrea. Then, our eyes met as he looked down at me. In his eyes, a wind stronger than a sandstorm was blowing. It was a wind that wanted to engulf itself and attack me as well.

Suddenly, Andrea bent down and kissed me. I was embarrassed but tried not to struggle, accepting the warmth from his lips. Andrea's lips gently touched mine, and soon, his hot and moist tongue entered my lips tenderly and sensually.

I instinctively sucked on his tongue without even knowing what was happening. It somehow tasted sweet. Saliva didn't feel dirty. Strangely enough, the more I tangled with his tongue, the more I wanted to get.

So, I hesitantly stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pressed my chest against his, connecting our lower bodies tightly. As I felt the thickness of his lower body, my excitement rose like pouring oil into a fire.


An exasperated sound escaped with no sound. Andrea must have thought it was a moan, felt stimulated, and pulled me even tighter. We acted like we wanted to intertwine our bodies like people who want to merge with each other, no, like people who want to squeeze their bodies into each other. Tongues entwined, and our breaths mingled. It felt as if even the oxygen was scarce.

Excitement and sexual arousal swelled simultaneously. About five minutes passed like that, or maybe an hour had passed? I couldn't be sure. My vision was dizzying. When I came to my senses, we had moved from the sofa to the bed, lying down and sharing kisses.

Even in the darkness, my closed eyes felt dizzy, and even the tip of my tongue felt numb. I wanted to suggest that we take a break now, but the notebook and pen were left on the sofa, and due to the speech penalty, I couldn't say anything. As a solution, I clenched my fist and gently tapped Andrea's shoulder to avoid hurting him. After tapping for a while, Andrea reluctantly pulled his face away.

I could see his iris, a dark and light pink color, split into hundreds of branches, immediately catching my eyes. As soon as I saw the iris filled with beautiful colors in the eyes, I thought that I had stopped him for no reason. So, I lightly pressed my lips on his eyelids. Then, I playfully smiled. Andrea kissed me again as if to pounce on me.

"Del, do you still wish someone would hug you?"

I nodded.

"Does holding you.....mean more than just a hug?"

Anything more than kissing each other and touching each other's bodies, like lovers. I nodded again, in agreement.

Andrea's face blushed slightly. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, but I could tell that he would agree soon. This was because Andrea's object, which was touching my groin, felt harder and bigger than before.

Sure enough, Andrea bit my earlobe like candy and whispered.

"Alright. I'll do it. Then."


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