I was an angel of the desert. God sent me here for a reason. There must be a reason for sending me specifically to Sablum Village, not anywhere else. I had been quietly staying here, and Andrea Sloane, the male protagonist, came to me on his own.

And his words were wrong. This place was not at all dangerous. My daily routine included lying down, eating fruits brought by servants, and enjoying the fresh air. What could possibly be dangerous here?

I shook my head firmly. Then Andrea, who had been clinging to me like a begging puppy, slumped disappointedly.

It's safe here.

I pointed to the inside of the house with my hand and then gracefully stroked my chest, hoping my message would be understood.

However, his expression became strange.

"Del, do you think a burp is going to come out?"

What!? A burp!? You crazy person! This place is safe, it's a good place!

I gestured roughly, trying to convey my frustration, but he seemed completely unable to understand. He even tilted his head as if not understanding at all.

"Why not speak with words? Are you angry and don't want to talk to me? Because I came to find you?"

I shook my head faster than before. And with both index fingers extended, I drew an X in front of my mouth.

I can't speak.

It seemed that Andrea understood that part correctly. His face hardened instantly. Suddenly, he stuck his thumb into my mouth and opened it wide.

What, what!

I wanted to scream, but desperate gasps came out as my throat seemed blocked. As wheezed and tried to pull his hand away, he pressed his thumb forcefully against my tongue.


"Your tongue isn't damaged. Why can't you speak all of a sudden?"

His thumb ruthlessly explored inside my mouth. It was a swift, precise movement, like a doctor examining a patient, but my face was getting hotter and hotter.

The whole situation felt oddly strange. Just checking inside my mouth shouldn't make my belly button feel itchy and hot.

After confirming that the inside of my mouth was fine, he withdrew his thumb. From his wet thumb, my saliva stretched out like a long thread. Despite finding it dirty, it strangely looked erotic. I quickly bent my head and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

"Did you hurt your vocal cords?"

I shook my head again. If it were a vocal cord injury, my throat would hurt, but I only felt a tight sensation, not pain.

"Then...it might be a psychological problem."

Andrea's face darkened. I could read strong emotions such as anger, worry, sadness, pity, and regret from him. He seemed to be blaming himself for my muteness.


I pointed at Andrea with my index finger and then shook my hand.

It's not because of you.

Upon hearing this, he looked very distressed.

"It's because of me, after all."

I said no!

I throw both hands in frustration. It felt like I was going crazy with frustration.

Wait, if I can't speak, I can convey my thoughts through writing.

When I first arrived here, I couldn't read human writing. God's words were easy to understand, and I could naturally read the sentence floating above Andrea's head. However, the letters in this world felt like tiny pictures. Perhaps the language of heaven and the language of the human world were completely different.

The tribe leader noticed my frustration with not being able to speak and arranged for a tutor. So, for three months, I diligently received lessons from a young man known as the scholar of Sablum. Thanks to him, I could now read and write to some extent, although it is not perfect.

I ran to my desk, grabbed paper and a pen, and quickly wrote down my thoughts. Andrea, understanding my intention, approached the desk.

[Unable to speak due to divine punishment. It's not because of you!!??]

Although I knew my handwriting was crooked, and the spelling was clumsy, as long as the meaning got through, it was enough. I handed him the paper. Andrea, looking at the paper, widened his eyes. It seemed he was touched that an angel who descended from the sky could understand human writing.

"...Del, you're really bad at writing."

・・・・・・ He's not moved.

I snatched the paper back and wrote again.

[If you raise favorability for me, I might be able to speak again. Ten more will be enough.]

"Favorability? More favorability of 10?"

Andrea, couldn't comprehend God's will. I gave him a generous smile.

[I'll let you know when I figure it out. You just have to like me.]

Andrea looked at my paper but remained silent. His eyes fluttered violently. He hesitated, biting his lips, and finally spoke quietly.

"You know I like someone else, not you. Don't say things like that."

What? He likes someone else, not me? He's my "male protagonist", why?

I stared at Andrea with a shocked expression. He put the paper down on the desk.

"Let's talk about it when we get out of here."

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