I pulled on Andrea's clothes to get his attention. Let's go, my gaze said. Andrea immediately understood and nodded. He greeted Otakia, who was still making a fuss, shouting about what true love meant, and placed a pouch of gold coins on the table.

We left the house of the dark sorceress Otakia. Both of us walked in silence for a while. The horse behind us snorted as if frustrated, but we didn't pick up the pace or say anything.

I didn't know what Andrea was thinking, but I had to make my own plans. Now, let's organize my thoughts.

If I obtain true love, I can leave this world. If I fail to achieve true love, I will synchronize 100% with Del Narcissus. My current synchronization percentage is 68%. Judging by the progress of 68%, there is a high probability that I have forgotten something other than my name.

I might be calm now because I don't even know what I've forgotten. Perhaps, when synchronization is complete, I will become exactly like Del Narcissus in the game, forgetting my identity, values, and my real self in reality. A promiscuous, luxurious, and foul-tempered Daffodil of the Empire.

Then a disturbing question crossed my mind.

What if... Del Narcissus originally was a possessor person like me? What if he was someone who failed to capture the male protagonist, resulting in 100% synchronization?

A chill ran down my spine. When I suddenly stopped walking, Andrea grabbed my shoulder.

"Del, are you okay?"

This wasn't the time for this. I can't waste time trying to find another way. My face turned pale, and my hands trembled.

I rushed towards Andrea, clinging to him. Only one determination remained in my mind. I have to capture the male protagonist. And the male protagonist I have to capture is...

"We need to go to the Magic Tower. Take me to Cain. I have to meet Cain."

I pleaded desperately without taking a breath. Andrea looked at me with a slightly surprised expression.

"I was thinking the same thing."

He said, rubbing my back as if trying to calm me.

"The Magic Tower is the home to the most exceptional magician across the continent. Maybe there, we can succeed in the soul separation magic in one go. Even if that's not possible, he might know what 'true love' as magic is."

Whether influenced by Otakia or not, it seemed Andrea also thought of true love as the name of magic. Either way, it didn't matter. All I needed was to go to Cain.

"Let's go to the Magic Tower, Del."

Andrea said.

When going to the Tower of Sorcery, there was no need to travel for days as we did when coming here. Since teleportation magic circles were spread throughout the continent, we could directly move from Wotton to the Magic Tower. This time, Andrea provided motion sickness medicine, so we arrived without much trouble.

We filled out the Magic Tower application form for Magic Tower Lord on the first floor and took a seat in the waiting room.

"If we detonate a bomb once, we can go straight to the 99th floor."

Andrea made a chilling remark with a smile. However, I also had a similar thought. Instead of filling out an application and waiting for hours, wouldn't it be possible for Cain to come down immediately when he sees my face? It was an unfounded conviction that I suddenly felt.

"Did Cain look for me after I disappeared suddenly? He treated me as a disciple, providing a separate room for me and personally teaching me basic lessons. I will see Cain again soon. My heart fluttered a bit.

As I placed both hands on my chest and took a deep breath, Andrea, who was sitting next to me, tilted his head.

"Are you nervous?"

His voice was subtly different from usual. It was somewhat cold, or perhaps reserved. However, Andrea's face had that refreshing smile, so I thought I might be imagining things.

"A bit. It's probably because I haven't seen him in a long time. Almost three weeks..."

"Were you that close with Magic Tower Lord?"

Again. It was an ominous tone. I couldn't answer immediately and hesitated. Why is this guy asking such...

"In fact, Del, who was said to have mana deficiency, suddenly wore a magician robe and went to the Studdle Mountains. I was quite worried, but he seemed to be completely fine. But then, maybe..."

Andrea slowly examined my face.

"Did you team up with the Magic Tower Lord to make it seem that you had mana deficiency?"

He was right. My expression must have revealed everything. However, before he could say anything else, the waiting room door banged open. The broken door caught my attention first, and then I saw Cain standing in front of the door, glaring at Andrea with scary eyes.


I stood up abruptly and called out to him.

"Mana vessel, where the hell have you been all this time? Huh? Do you have any idea how much I've been looking for you?"

Cain shouted loudly, in the waiting room.

"I was dealing with the explosion and went back to the room, but you weren't there. I didn't even set up a tracking spell. So this magical genius himself had to personally run around looking for you!"

" I couldn't find you until you showed up yourself."

Heron's voice came from behind Cain. It seemed like Heron had come along as well. Although he wasn't visible behind Cain's body, hearing Cain and Heron's banter after a long time brought a sense of joy to me.

"Anyway, where the hell have you been? Is your body okay?"

He walked towards me and began touching me as if checking my body.

[Cain's Favorability +10!]

[Cain's Favorability is now 50 or higher, triggering the 'Trapped Flower' event!]

Holy shit. You don't leave me alone even for a moment.

If the 'Trapped Flower' event is triggered, it means an event where I show my butt towards Cain will soon happen. While it was nerve-wracking to do such a thing in front of Cain, there was also Andrea, another potential male lead candidate. Andrea was seriously weak when it came to Del Narcissus's body.

When the thought of having a threesome in the Magic Tower crossed my mind, I broke out in cold sweat. I grabbed my shoulders and arms, then grabbed Cain's hand as he touched my forehead, shouting,

"Wait, I, I want to be alone for a moment!"

"What? Why?"

I'm afraid that I'll end up having a threesome with you guys.

"Umm... I'm emotional! Please let me go outside to sort out my emotions!"

[PFFFT "Black Flame Dragon" is the name of the book? Chuuni alert!!!!

Also "where I show my butt towards Cain will soon happen" here the MC is talking about when the chandelier almost fell on him and he showed his butt to the people at the party ch 29, in case you forgot( it took me a while to remember)]

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