Princess finds her prince

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Medieval AU...


The guards stood and raised there horns. Blowing into them and calling everyone's attention. "Introducing Princess Hermione!" She walked down the grand staircase in her stunning green gown. She smiled and looked around her hall room at all the well dressed men and women. She clapped her hands and the band began playing again.

She had then realized she forgot the most important part of her ensemble, her crown. She rushed up to her room and opened her door just wanting to grab it and go. Until she was bumped into.

He walked up to the large castle being aluminized by the full moon behind it and he adorned his hood and face covering. Moving quickly and unseen past the guards and threw his grapple up to one of the windows that was left open. It took a few tries but finally it caught and he was able to climb into the room. Seeing he had landed in a woman's room and began searching for the jewelry.

He opened drawer after drawer and finally found a secret compartment, opening it he found a large silver crown covered in emeralds. That's when he realized he was in the princess room. He heard the door open and when he turned and he had bumped into the princess.

She was gorgeous. Green was definitely her color.

He froze and when she was about to scream he rushed her, pushing her against the now closed door and put his hand over her mouth. His face still covered he began to speak. "Please don't scream. I don't want to hurt you, I just want some jewels then I'll leave." 

She was staring wide eyed at him and had her hands pushing against his chest, looking into his dark onyx eyes. She moved her hand and pulled his hood down. He quickly backed up before she had the chance to uncover his face next. So she took her chance to yell for help. "GUARDS!" The mysterious man quickly jumped out the same window he climbed up from.

He had to run. He wanted to run. But..he had to see that princess again, she was beautiful beyond belief. So he looked around and Lady Luck was on his side tonight, he saw a man with his similar build outside.

He snuck up behind the man and wrapped his arm around the man's neck, chocking him until he became unconscious. Trying not to dirty the clothes, he dragged him and quickly snatched his clothes. Changing into them and throwing his old thief clothing at the unconscious man. He walked into the castle now in a dark tunic and began walking around the ball room.

The guards at the top of the stairs blew their horns and the princess was introduced again, but this time with her crown. She had a nervous smile on. He inwardly chuckled at this knowing he was the reason. He walked around the room so far still unnoticed. He tailed the princess to the drink table.

"Hello your majesty." He looked down to meet her eyes, she looked at him and she squinted her eyes for a second while looking into his black eyes. She shook her head. "Hello." She gave a weary smile. "Lovely ball, and may I say that dress looks beautiful. Green is definitely a great color on you." He gave her a side smirk.

"Oh, thank you for that compliment." She looked down blushing heavily. The orchestra started to play a slow rhythm. "May I have this dance, your highness?" He bowed and held his palm out for her.

She looked around and decided why not.

She placed her smaller hand in his and he stood up straight and led her towards the crowd. When people started to notice the princess had taken the floor with a man, they all moved and let them have the floor to themselves. She looked around nervously. "Just look at me, your highness."

He moved closer to her and moved her bad to be on his shoulder. He then placed his hand on her waist. Clasping their other hands together. They began gliding around the room. Getting faster.

She looked into his eyes and she smiled up at him. The longer they went the more fun she had. Atlast the song began to end and he finished it with bending her down so that she was dipped. She was breathing heavily and smiling at him.

He brought her back up and stared into her eyes. He went to speak but the doors were flung open and the man he stole the clothes from had barged in. "There's an imposter! They knocked me out and stole my clothes, replacing them with these rags!" He threw my thief clothes infront of everyone, walking further into the room.

Severus couldn't keep the smile from appearing on his lips. He knew he was caught. The princess looked up at him and really looked into his eyes again.

They were the same as the thief's.

He took the chance to placed one hand on her hip and the other into her hair and kissed her lips. Her eyes flung open but she didn't pull away.

He quickly pulled back licking his lips and bowed at her before running off out the door that was flung open. She just stood there frozen and stunned.

"Your highness...your crown is missing!"

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