The muggle coffee shop

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It's been 3 years since the war and since anyone last saw Hermione Granger, Golden trio's brain, the Gryffindor Princess. She disappeared after Harry had defeated Voldemort.

-3 years ago-

As Harry caught Voldemort's wand, Hermione snuck away and went to the boat house. Seeing her professor lying there almost completely dead. His eyes looking at the water rocking the little boat. His face never changing emotions. Eyes looking dead. He almost was. She sprung into action and shoved blood replenishing potions down his throat as well as a bezoar. She then held his wounded neck to slow the bleeding.

His eyes meeting hers. "Granger?"


Hermione woke up and found herself alone in her bed. Sadly. She had tried dating a muggle but he ended up being too stupid for her. He couldn't hold an interesting conversation and she couldn't talk about magic.

She got up and looked at the clock she had about an hour before she had to go to work. She absolutely loved where she worked. A little coffee shop at the end of her block. It was so warm and cozy with a small bookshelf in it and a nice comfy sofa by a fire place with a side table. It looked like it would be a perfect place to rest your mind and it was.

She hopped out the shower and put on her small blue knee flowing dress with a white apron on and took one last look at her empty flat and left, locking the door. She began the 10 minute walk.

She rounded the building going into the front doors, not noticing the customers as she walks in. She walked to the back and grabbed her clock-in slip. She smiled at her co workers and walked to the front counter ready to start the day.

He was sipping his coffee while reading a book on the sofa, by a burning fireplace. He finally found a nice muggle place, after the war he received Order Of Merlin First Class and was called a war hero but he felt like he wasn't needed anymore in the wizarding world.

He had also been looking for someone...the one who saved him. Hermione Granger. He had been horrible towards her for saving him. He wanted to die at the time but afterwards he found out he could really live his life now. He felt horrible and wanted to apologize but she went missing. It's been 3 years. He'd almost given up. Then he hear the bell ring to the front door.

Looking up he saw only the back of the female who just walked in. She had long brown curly hair that bounced as she walked. She had a great figure and held her head high as she walked. She disappeared in the back and he turned back to his book.

Hermione took her spot at the register looking at the screen.

He got up wanting another cup of coffee, looking at the floor.

She looked up.

He looked up.

"Hello how ca-"

"Hi can I hav-"

They both froze. Neither saying a thing for what seems like hours.

That's when he spoke first. "Ms.Granger, it's- it's great to see you." She was taken back. "Professor what..what are you doing here?" He chuckled alittle bit. "Please, call me Severus. And I left the wizarding world, I have no life there. I did my part so now I can live my own life." She looked alittle calmer but still stood completely unmoving. Then she smiled.

"I'm glad you're doing well prof- Severus." She beamed at him.

He looked guilty for a second. "When are you off? I'd like to have the chance to properly apologize to you." She was shocked. "Oh uh, I'm off at 8."

"Great I'll be back at 8 then." He said and bowed alittle.

Her shift had went by so quick, soon as 8 rolled around he was walking in the building. She took him in, wearing muggle clothes. A black turtle neck with black slacks and nice loafers...of course also black. He had his hair in a loose messy bun. He looked at her with a small smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. "Hello Ms.Granger."

"Please, Hermione. And good evening Severus. I was wondering if you would be okay talking at my flat, it's only about a 10 minute walk away?" He nodded his head. "I'd be delighted Hermione."

They made their way to her flat in a very comfortable silence. Both just enjoying the nice fall weather. As they reached her door she unlocked it and he opened it for her. She smiled then walked in. "You can make yourself at home, I'll make us some tea." He nodded and went to sit on the couch closest to the armrest, leaning his back against it.

She came back with a tray of two cups of steaming tea, cream, and sugar. "How would you like it?" She asked.

"Oh 2 1/2 sugar please." She smiled and turned to the tray. While she was busy he took this time and to begin talking.

"Hermione, I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the boat house. It w-" She stopped him. "Severus, you don't have to."

"Please let me..." she nodded her head. Watching her hair bob. He smiled.

"I was upset that I had been saved and by a student no less. But when I had left Hogwarts and the wizarding world in general, I reluctantly accepted that there was a whole other world for me to learn about and live there. Then I found out you had been missing since you saved me, I felt immense guilt. Then I went off looking for you." He chuckled abit.

"I needed a break after looking for 2 years and I found that little coffee shop. Then..... I found you."

She had tears in her eyes by the end of his apology. He reached out and wiped her tears but kept his hand there, holding her cheek. They stared at each other, until they both began leaning in. She closed her eyes first, he took that as acceptance.

Their lips collided, Severus moved off the arm rest and close enough to where their legs began touching. After what felt like minutes he backed up from her. She didn't open her eyes for another second. She was breathing heavily. "You're a good kisser.."

All he could do was laugh. Really laugh.

Kissing her again.

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