Under rubble

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The battle of Hogwarts had arrived.

The screams.

The curses.

The bodies.

Hermione ran through all of these things and couldn't stop the tears from her falling from her eyes. She saw flashes of green around her, praying that nothing hits her. She ran straight through the hallways, alone. Ron had been shot away from her and she couldn't find Harry anywhere. She ran through corridor after corridor.

She turned one corner to find greyback leaning over a girls body. "No!" He got up and turned towards her. She lifted her wand, he smirked. The man rushed towards her. "Bombarda!" He went flying backwards. She saw the girl was Lavender Brown.

She teared up knowing she had no good memories of her and did not want to remember her soul in any bad way.

"Get her!" She heard from down the hall. She shot up and glanced once more at the girls corpse before running as fast as she could. She looked behind herself to find three men chasing her. "Stupify!" She shot behind her. Hitting one of the deatheaters. She looked ahead of her self to see a dead end.

She had to stand her ground.

She turned and lifted her wand. Soon as they came in sight she shot a spell. "Stupify!"

A blue light came barreling her. "Protego!" The spell bounced off her shield and hit the second dude. She aimed her wand on the next guy. "Bomba-" she saw a yellow flash strike the wall beside her causing the wall the crumble and crack. She went to jump out of the way but the corridor ceiling collapsed and a big boulder fell on her shoulders making her collapse on her stomach and dropping her wand. Her vision was blurry from the fall and as more ceiling collapsed she covered her head with her arms.

She felt a huge pain in her legs as a huge cement block fell on them most likely breaking them in the process. She wailed out. The death eater also seemed to be in the destruction zone as a chunk fell on his head. Killing him in an instant. She reached for her wand but was unable to reach it and as she went to accio it. More rubble fell, because of all the curses being thrown around in the castle. She saw pebbles scattered around the floor and a big piece from the ceiling fall on her wand crashing it and breaking it. She was stunned. That was her only way out.

She went to move the rock by hand but failed miserably. It was too heavy.
She began reaching for the deatheaters wand but it was too far. More ceiling fell and a big concrete slab crushed her outreached arm. She screamed out.

She was now surrounded and covered in concrete debris and rubble while drenched in her own blood now.

No one would find her here. She was going to die. She vision blurred over again, her body going limp completely and the pain numbing away.


"Hermione!" The red haired boy yelled down hall after hall trying to find his best friend.  

He ran down multiples hallways. He then came across multiple bodies and a pile of debris all he could see was hair and that's all he need to see to know it was Hermione. "No!"

Ron ran up to her body and felt her neck before anything. He felt a very faint pulse and was immediately relieved. "Don't worry Mione..I'll get you out!"

He went to grab his wand when he heard heavy footsteps approaching. There was a deatheater slowly walking his way. They stood tall and stalked towards him. "Stay back!" He shot a spell. The man only blocked it. Another shot. Blocked. "Get back!"

The cloaked figure only continued calmly walking in the direction of the ginger. Blocking every spell the Weasley shot his way. Ron was getting scared. He didn't wanna leave Hermione...but he didn't wanna fight this guy by himself. Ron looked at Hermione under the rubble. "I'll be back Hermione. Please stay alive..!" Ron quickly turned tail and left.


There she was. His heart sank at the sight of her. Covered in dirt, blood, sweat, mud, and gravel. He leaned down crouching on one leg. Noticing her arm under crushed under debris and her lower half. He winced.

This poor girl. She doesn't deserve death.

That's when he saw her eye lids flutter only partially open. "P-pleas jus-just kill m-me." As she spoke she kept spitting out blood while coughing. He began taking his deatheater mask off. Setting it on the floor, letting her see his saddened face. "Oh Granger...Don't give up. Please." He began to say sadly. Heart shattering.

Her eyes closed again and head fell to the floor.

He took out his wand and slowly began to move the rocks and parts of the ceiling off her broken body. The amount of blood she was losing, scared him she's already gonna hard to save as it is but if she loses much more than she'll be gone forever. Beyond saving.

He was finally able to see her whole body and levitated her. He quickly went to his personal chambers. Hoping they were intact. After a few minutes he arrived.

Opening the door he saw everything was the way he left it. He huffed a sigh of relief and went to his room. Slowly putting her down on his bed. He started working on her.


"Ossio Dispersimus"

After saying healing spells for about an hour he finally got a lot of them healed. Then moving on to the giant gash on her side, he went to his bedside table grabbing the bottle of phoenix tears and began slowly dripping drops of the clear creamy liquid over her horrible wounds. After those disappeared, he finally grab the last bottles he would need.

Multiple blood replenishing potions.

He began pouring them down her throat, one by one. He had to use three just to get her blood back to a normal amount. He then moved to her hair getting all dirt and gravel out of it.

Her breathing evened out. After two and a half hours he finally finished. He quickly put the heaviest of protection spells he knew on his chambers and floo. No one would be able to get in. So he decided a nap was due.

Even in his sleep he felt someone looking at him. He bolted up with his wand drawn. He looked around only to see brown doe eyes looking at him. He put his wand down and sat back down closing his eyes. Then it clicked. Her eyes. Are open.

He opened his eyes and slowly looked at her.

She said nothing, just very softly smiled and looked.

He got up from his chair, almost running to go over to sit next to her and quickly but carefully pulled her to his chest. Burying his hands in her bushy brown hair. While his forehead went to rest on her shoulder. Hugging her.

"I'm so glad you're okay...Hermione."

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