Fantasy Killing

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Completely different AU

AU=(Alternate Universe)

He was finally getting close to the one being that has slipped every hunters fingers. A vampire. And she's a brilliant one at that.

He's finally closing in on her though, he found where she was going to be in the afternoon and headed there early to make sure he wouldn't miss his chance.

He walked into the leaky cauldron and sat in the back. He had no idea what this woman looked like but...he knows a vampire when he sees one. He sat in the dark back corner and watched everyone intensely.

He ordered a drink while waiting and sat back down. The next person who walked in was a average height woman with long curly brown hair. She walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. She leaned against the bar and looked around the room til her eyes met his. She looked at him and winked. She smirked and walked over after she got her drink.

Sitting across from him she leaned over the table and put her hand on his. "Well hello there handsome." This was her. Cold to the touch.

"Hello, and what brings you to come sit with me?" She smiled brightly at him. "Well I can't turn down a chance with handsome man like you when I see one." He chuckled. "Oh and what if I'm dangerous, talking to strangers is not always good."

Her eyes hooded and she looked at him flirtatiously. "Let's say I know how to protect myself. But let's get outta here..maybe I'll let you do whatever you want."

"Get outta here? Well aren't you quick with it?"

She smirked. "Maybe I like it quick."

He smirked at her. Downing his drink and putting money on the table, getting up and leaving the bar with her on his arm. He let her lead their walk and she led him into a small alleyway. Leaning against a wall she pulled him close to her and she kissed him.

She moved her kisses down to this throat and he was ready to spring his trap on her but she licked his neck and he couldn't move.

What the hell..why can't I move my body!

That's when she chuckled. "You think I don't know a vampire hunter when I see one?! So I learned alittle trick to immobilize you little hunters easier." She leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Also, I can read minds..dumbass."

Move your!

"Aww your attempts are cute, just like your face. I might actually feel bad for killing you, you're very handsome." She opens her mouth and shows her fangs, ready to bite him.

She moved to his neck and bit hard. This caused him to freak out more, he could feel the blood being sucked from his throat as her fangs dove deeper. He didn't know how but he was able to move his arm, so he took the chance to punch her stomach.

This cause her to gasp and release his neck, he grabbed her by the chin and shoved her against the wall. He looked down at her. Her mouth covered in his blood, dripping onto his hand. "How the hell.." She broke off mid sentence, thinking. Then her face went red in rage and with god like speed she moved from his grip and appeared behind him.

He didn't have time to react before he felt his head being shoved against the wall the girl was just up against. His vision went black almost immediately and he fell limp to the floor, laying there unconscious.

She leaned over his passed out body and examined his face. Moving some hair out of his face. "Who are you...?" No one has been able to break free from my magic, so how are you different.

She took his arm and she teleported them both to her house.

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