Bucket of water

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He looked down at her hair catching a small smell of her shampoo. Mmmm. He inwardly thought and caught himself almost smiling. While he looked at her cauldron. "What abomination have you made granger? Are you trying to blow us all up?" She jumped alittle, not knowing he was standing behind her. She turned her head up and quickly shook her curls. "No sir! I followed all the instructions correctly!" She kinda yelled out in a scared but rushed voice.

"Don't you dare yell at me." He bent down and got close to her face. "Detention tonight, 8 sharp. Don't.Be.Late." The Slytherins all snickered at her and both Ron and Harry looked at her apologetically. She breathed out in disbelief. "But sir-"

"Do you want to make it two days of detention." She closed her mouth and let the tears drop silently, head down.
He walked away from her and went to look at the other students cauldrons. As the bell rang she quickly grabbed her bag and rushed out not even waiting for her best friends. She rushed to her common room and flung herself on her bed and cried.

After about an hour of her crying it was time for dinner so she got herself put back together and slowly walked to the great hall. When opening the doors to the great hall, she went to sit down next to her friends. Looking around the hall she ended up lookin go at the head table and saw a certain black haired man already looking at her.

She looked away and stared at her food, not hungry anymore she pushes it away and gets up. Her detention was in about thirty minutes so she might as well start walking. She took her time walking the halls and finally reached the potions classroom door, with twelve minutes to spare til 8. She knocked hard and waited for an answer.

Maybe he's still at dinner.

She turned to walk away but bumped her face into something firm but still soft. She shook her head and looked up to see her professor standing there. She sucked in a sharp breath. "I'm sorry sir." He looked down at her. "Were you going somewhere?"

"N-no sir, I was ju-"

"Just what Ms.Granger?" She looked at him with a bit of fear in her eyes. "Nothing sir, I was just waiting for you."

He walked past her and opened the door. Keeping it open as if to invite her inside. "Well? Get in." She nodded her head and walked and stood infront of his desk.

Just waited for him to come around and sit at his desk, but he didn't. She turned to look for him but saw him standing not even a foot right behind her. She looked up to look at his face. "Uh..sir what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to clean the floors and get all the potions spills cleaned up. No magic." She looked abit taken back. "Sir, all for a misunderstanding, that'll take hours to clean these dirty floors without magic."

"Do you want me to add more work? Make you stay longer?" She shook her head, backing up from him and took off her cloak setting it on a desk. Rolling up the sleeves on her white button down shirt. She went to the supply closet and grabbed the bucket and fill it up with water.

After filling it up, she picked it up and went to put it down she tripped on the desk leg and fell on the bucket of water spilling it all over herself. Yelling on her way down she got Snape's attention and he looked over at her. She got up with her back facing her professor. She looked down and gasped loudly.

The water seeped through her shirt and she could see her bra through her wet shirt. "Ms. Granger what did you do?" She froze not turning around so that he could see her bra. "Nothing sir, just fell. And spilt the water." She heard footsteps behind her and she tried walking away quickly to the sink to refill the bucket, but she felt a tug on her wrist and she was spun around.

He spun her around and looked at her face. He couldn't stop his eyes from looking down. His face immediately reddened and he couldn't stop looking. He looked at her black bra through her wet shirt, her breast spilling out and sticking to her shirt. He breathing quickened and he still didn't let go of her wrist, after another minute he finally looked away and let go of her wrist.

"Y-you can leave Granger." He said looking to the side. His face super red and eyes are widened. "Your detention is cancelled."

She quickly grabbed her cloak and rushed out of the room.

"G-goodnight Ms.Granger.." He said looking down at the floor.

"Goodnight professor..."

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