Mind Changer

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"Please Hermione." She look down. "I can't Severus, you know this. I'm getting married." He tried taking her hand but she pulled it back. "Please Severus don't make this harder." He looked taken back but that was quickly changed into a look of determination. "Make it harder? Hermione I love you and until you say "I do" to that Weasley, I will fight for you." She looked up at him and tears spilled from her eyes. "I-" She quickly ran away and into her dark classroom.

She was the Charms professor. Had been working with Severus for 3 years now. They got close fast. She loved him deep down but..she's about to get married in a month to Ronald Weasley. The man everyone expects her to love. She doesn't know what she feels anymore.


She looked down in the dark room, not caring to turn on the lights and saw her beautiful orange cat, crookshanks. She leaned on her desk and held him in her hands. "Oh what am I gonna do! Crook I don't know what I want to do. I'm getting married. But I lov-" That's when a figure walked her way. She looked up and squinted her eyes. They walked her way quickly and with their head down. Then she noticed who it was. "Severus I-" she stopped.

He kissed her.

She kissed him.

No tongue, just a long passionate kiss. He slowly kissed her with one hand on her waist, one hand under her chin, and eyes closed. She closed her eyes and started kissing back with her hands on his shoulders then started moving down to his chest. She stopped kissing him suddenly and moved his torso away. "We can't....I-I can't." He pulled her closer and tipped her head to him.

"We can, all you have to do is call off your wedding. Please Hermione, he doesn't treat you right. You can't make your own decisions, you're not happy. I can make you happy....I'll do anything for you." She looked at him. "I have to think about everything, please Sev." He nodded his head. "Okay, I'll be here waiting for you."

She ran away, trying not to bump into desks and into her chambers. She was confused. She was hyperventilating, who does she choose.
Her to-be-husband, that's who she has to choose.

It's been a week, only 3 more weeks til the wedding. I need to take this into my own hands.

The wizard walked into the house and went for the red head that was accompanying the house. "Professor? What are you doing here?" The man grabbed the boys hair. "Imperio!" The boy stopped struggling.

"Break off the wedding. I want you to break her heart." He nodded his head. But just stood there. "NOW!" The sound of apperating could be heard. So he did the same, apperating to his chambers.

Only 30 minutes later he heard knocking on his door. He got up from his couch infront of the lit fireplace and cracked open the door seeing Hermione outside crying. "Oh, come in. What's happened? W-Would you like some tea?" He asked with a slightly worried expression. She looked at him and slightly nodded while sniffling. He walked out and she went to go sit on the fluffy dark fur rug in front of the fireplace.

He came back in after a few minutes and went to go sit down next to hermione with the tea tray in between each other for easier access. "What's wrong? What has you crying?" She just stared at the fire for a second before looking at Severus. She looked at him sadly and began crawling around the tea tray and into his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and she began sobbing again.

"Ron called off our wedding. He said that he couldn't go through with the ceremony because he loved another woman. And that he loved her more!" He looked taken back. "I'm sorry Hermione, I seriously am I know you love him." She scoffed. "Love him?..No..Loved him."

He jumped with joy on the inside but keeping his face stoic. "Look at me Hermione." He said moving her chin up. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on, and he couldn't see that. But I do, and I'll cherish you til the end." She sniffed and looked down. "What do I do Sev?" He looked off into the fire. "You show him he made a mistake, that it doesn't bother you, you're so strong Hermione. You can do this." She smiled and hugged his shoulders tightly. While he held her by her waist and pulled her in his lap.

"Thank you Sev."

"Anything for you my love."

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