Dinner Guest

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(TW...MUCH more violence than normal and mention of blood)

I did a book on my other account on this and I liked the idea so imma put it on this one, just with a twist.💚🐍

Tbh not much mention of snamoine.

It was time for dinner and the hall was full with kids and adults. There was only one missing. Hermione Granger. No one had seen her all day, and it seemed like everyone was worried. She's never missed teaching her class, Severus became worried especially when none of the other teachers had heard anything either.

That's when they all heard it. The large thump coming from the staircase leading to the great hall doors. The doors swung open as a figure was thrown into the room and slid across the floor a few feet. Severus stood up to see what was happening better.

That bushy hair, he knew who that was. She had blood on her clothes and her hair was matted.

The candles were all blown out and the hall darkened immediately and the only thing the students could see was glowing eyes from the darkness.

All the kids stood and ran towards the teachers high table. Snape and the headmistress rushed to be infront of all the students and stood their ground. As the other teachers started to try and rush the kids out the teachers side door. After a few moments of nothing happening Severus moved towards the unconscious body of his coworker. "Hermione?" He kept his eye on the door but tried to shake his coworker awake.

She started to stir. "Hermione..I need you to wake up now!" Her eyes opened slowly. "We-were...wolf." The blood rolling down her forehead dripped off his hand and on the floor. "What?" He squinted at her. She made eye contact with him. "Greyback.." He looked back at Minerva. "It's Fenrir!" He started to hear lout thumping and saw a figure running his way, he stood immediately and raised his wand.

"Stupify!" The werewolf jumped out of the way and body slammed Severus then, throwing him across one of the long tables. He landed on his back, while getting up he saw Greyback start rushing Minerva.

Severus had no time to lay there in pain as he heard all the students start screaming as the werewolf grabbed the headmistress by her throat and slammed her into the wall lifting her up so that her feet didn't touch the floor. He heard her start gasping for air.

He quickly got to his feet and raised his arm with his wand extended, aimed at the other man. "Repulso!" Hoping not to hit Minerva. Greyback was pushed with so much force he dropped the older woman and flew far away falling on to the floor.

Severus rushed to Minerva. "Get the students out. I'll distract him for as long as I can and give you time. Have some teachers go first, who knows how many deatheaters are here." She was about to argue with him but Greyback had already gotten back up. His figure was very intimidating in the dark. He could only see parts of him. So with a simple spell all the candles relit themselves. Finally able to see him properly.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen Severus." The ugly hairy werewolf chuckled in a dark manner. "Acting like the prize professor..wanting to protect your little students from me."

Severus said nothing but noticed Hermione had gotten up and stood with him. Without even looking away from the deatheater he spoke. "Hermione leave, your hurt!" He spoke with authority. "Help Minerva and the other teachers get the students out, it's gonna take all of you to get that many to safe areas in the castle quicker..,Now go." There was a heavy air in the room and finally Fenrir made the first move lunging for Hermione. "Move!" Severus pushed his coworker out of the way and was slammed to the hard stone floors.

He struggled to get the heavy man off him. "Go! You're just in the way!" Hermione quickly got up and rushed to Minerva to help get the rest of the students out.

Severus moved to point his wand at the bigger man but his wrist was quickly pinned down and his wand was thrown across the giant room. Fenrir went to scratch Severus' face but he blocked it and his arm got deeply scratched instead. His face was thrown to the side as a fist he couldn't block, had collided with his cheek. Severus quickly retaliated and bent his arm inward and hit the werewolf repeatedly with his forearm. He kneed the wolf man between his legs and shoved him off his body. He quickly stood, summoning his wand back to his hand.

"Sectemsepra! Bombarda!" Greybacks body had become covered in slashes and a small explosion as the spell hit his chest sent him backwards and he stumbled to his knees. Snape kicked his face and the werewolf fell to his side. Severus had looked over to see how many more students were left. Seeing only the older kids left, as they made the younger students leave first. But he noticed to late that Fenrir had gotten back up and now lunged at him.

That's when he felt a sharp pain in his side and he barred his teeth in hope that he won't show his pain outwardly. "Hurts doesn't it." Fenrir said shoving his sharp nails further in Severus' side. He went to say something sarcastic back but a large hand wrapped itself around most his face and partially into his hair and he felt his body being flung to the floor with immense force and his head get smashed onto the floor. Not once. Not twice. But over and over again. His vision eventually went blurry and started to see spots.

That's when a man's scream sounded throughout the entire room. Everyone froze.

"Severus!" Hermione yelled out.

Fenrir had his sharp teeth sunk into Severus' shoulder. His scream echoed loudly. Something no one had ever heard. The emotionless man who never even grunted if he stubbed his toe.

Now the left over 7th years and teachers all watched as his body convulsed under the larger werewolf and deep red blood began to flow on the gray stone. Everyone was too scared to move. All except Hermione.

"Stupify!" Greyback was flung back far towards the main great hall doors. While Hermione had a stare off with the werewolf, waiting for the other to make the next move. The remaining students pleaded to the professors into letting them help aswell. They all stood behind Hermione with their wands raised. Fenrir watched and decided to take his leave. Knowing he's done enough damage for one day, and knowing he needed to heal up too with how many times he was thrown around the room and now the hundreds of slashes on his body.

Hermione was the first one to be at Severus' side followed by Minerva. "Severus my boy, I'm so sorry." Minerva crouched down to be at his side.

Severus was going in and out of consciousness uncontrollably and couching up blood. He had some running down from out of his mouth. Madam Pomfrey had rushed up and looked at the boy she had healed while he grew up and was a student. "Im gonna have to levitate you Severus.. it will hurt but I'll get you healed up. I promise."

He didn't respond as he didn't hear her. His ears were ringing loudly and his eyesight had gone completely black with white spots everywhere.

The medwitch quickly levitated him and rushed him out the big doors and towards the hospital wing. She didn't realize all the kids would be in the halls and she heard gasps and whimpers from all around her as the kids all saw their professor close to death. All to protect them.

Hermione followed poppy and helped with mending and healing all his wounds throughout the night.

"Go rest Hermione. He'll make a recovery soon." She looked at the older witch then back at Severus. The medwitch smiled sadly then left the room to go rest herself.

Hermione could barely keep her eyes open as she was exhausted from healing him all night and moved a chair closer to his bed and carefully took his hand placing a kiss on his knuckles. She laid her head down on the mattress by his hand and promptly fell asleep.

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