The movie theater

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Muggle AU (Alternate Universe)
Also this is gonna be a short cute one!

Sorry I've been having writers block on this book so I've been working on my other one in my drafts.. so please if you have any suggestions, comment and let me know💚🐍

Her and her friends decided to go watch a movie. The newest horror movie. Hermione was so excited as they walked into the theater as she came up to the doors. She noticed a man walking infront of them, he opened them door and looked behind him at her and her friends. He gave a small smile and stepped aside holding the door for her group. "Oh thank you!" She smiled brightly at him. He gave a small nod of his head and walked in after them.

He went to a different line to get snacks and left before they finished. They finally got their snacks and headed towards the theater room that was playing The Nun. The movie had just begun so it was already ridiculously dark. They found their seats and sadly she had to next to a stranger but she didn't mind too much. As long as they didn't scream too loud.

It was half way through the movie and her heart was racing. There was a loud and scary jump-scare. She jumped and clang to the person on her left. She didnt notice she grabbed the persons bicep until she felt a warm hand on hers. She looked over and saw the same man who held the door for her and her friends. She blushed madly and looked at her hand on his strong bicep. She went to take it away but he held it there. Never looking her way.

Multiple times she had squeezed his bicep. He would just deeply chuckle and pat her hand.

Towards the end of the movie, she looked over at the man she was touching for over half the movie, she saw him looking back at her. A bright part of the movie lit up his face. He had such handsome features. He had long black hair that was in a messy bun and what looked like black eyes. Her breath caught in her throat.

It was finally the end of the movie, she removed her hand and looked at the man but saw him faced the other way. She sighed and got up to catchup with her friends. She was walking down the short walkway to get to the door to leave the movie room but felt a tug on her shirt. She turned and was met with the same man. Her friends noticed this and all started to giggle and push eachother away to give her privacy.

He was much taller up close, but what she wasn't ready for was his voice. "Here." He held out his hand with a piece of paper in it. "Let me atleast take you to dinner, with how handsy you were I think atleast deserve that much." He chuckled and looked at her with a small side smile. She had to look up abit to reach his eyes. She reached for the paper. "Okay, I do believe you're correct." She giggled. Looking at the paper to see his phone number. She looked back up to see he had moved behind her and was holding the door for her..again but this time with a mocking bow as if she was royalty.

"Such a gentleman." She smiled and walked through the doorway.

As they were going their separate ways, she stopped him. "Wait I never got your name...I'm Hermione." She held out her hand. 

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.


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