The teachers bathroom

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"Alright everyone! Please gather around!" Hermione yelled as she stood on the right side of the raised platform and beckoned the students to come closer.

"Now as you should all recall, today is dueling day, and I have kindly asked Professor Snape to be my dueling partner to show the spells correctly and the stances that will help your balance the best. Professor Snape, if you would please come up here." The man removed his cloak and walked up the stairs on the left side on the platform.

His face was emotionless and he stared directly at his coworker. They walked towards eachother and took their wands out, raising them infront of their faces. "I will not be going easy Granger, I will not be embarrassed by a child." She smiled at him. "And I will not be bested by an old man." He squinted his eyes at her. Both putting their wands down and bowing at the waist. They turned and took 5 steps away from the other.

The students were very excited to watch how this would end. Every student knew that both of these professors were powerful and did not like to lose.

The professors quickly turned their bodies back towards the other and pointed their wands at each other and the duel began.

"Stupify!" The black haired man said aloud and a light shot from his wand. Before it could hit the girl she cast "protego". The spell bounced off and hit the wall instead. "Expelliamas!" She shot back and he easily blocked it. Smirking, he shot another spell her way.

This had gone on for almost twenty five minutes, spells flying back and forth. It was the best duel the schools probably ever held. Until he faked a spell to make her put her shield up early. Then a second later her wand was flying in the air and towards his hand. She tried to snatch her wand from mid air but missed.

She huffed out and was fuming. How could I lose! The students clapped and she walked off the stage forgetting to get her wand back, too distracted by her loss. He just watched her leave. Thinking to himself, she's kinda cute when she's angry. He chuckled and collected his cloak.

Seeing as she walked out he decided to dismiss her class for her.

He went to his office thinking she would come collect her wand later but she never did. He huffed aloud and got up, Getting up and leaving his office he saw some students in the hall. "Do you know where Professor Ganger is?" The student closest to him said nothing just pointed in the direction behind him.

He turned on his heel and began walking down the hall the student pointed down. About five minutes later he saw her walking into a room a bit further down the corridor, he walked towards the door and without knocking or even noticing what room he was about to stubble in, he just walked in. Closing the door behind him. Only to see it was the teachers bathroom.

He was frozen in his spot, seeing the bath was already full of steaming water. He heard a noise on the left looking over he saw Hermione leaving one of the stalls.

As Hermione undressed in the stall and wrapped the towel around her body, keeping her clothes in the stall. She opened the lock and left, not noticing the tall man by the bathroom door. She walked towards the extra large pool like bath, dropping her towel and slipping in the water. Her back to the bathroom door the whole time.

Severus was scared to move thinking even the slightest move would make her turn around and see him in the room with her. She dropped her towel and he saw her entire back side. His breath caught in his throat as her perfect hourglass figure submerged into the water.

He felt his pants get tight. Maybe he should just leave the wand and go. He walked to the stall that she came out from and left the wand on her clothes. He looked back at the water to see her shadow still beneath the surface, he rushed out of the bathroom. He took a few deep breaths and after making sure the hall was empty and took almost three steps forward before he realized his mistake.

She's gonna know I was in there. I had her wand last, she knows I wouldn't make a student bring it to her.

He immediately turned around and walked back into the bathroom. Turning around and slowly closing the door behind him.

Turning around he saw Hermione emerge from the water, her hair covering her eyes, he froze. All he could do was stare, her chest uncovered by the water. Her stomach. Her hips. He felt time had slowed down as he saw everything above her knees out of the water on full display for him. She finally removed the hair that was covering her face only to see a shadow by the door. Looking up seeing Snape infront of her standing like a statue, eyes not moving from her.

He shook his head and immediately covered his eyes, turning around. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean- I wasn't expecting- I- I wasn't trying to-I was returning-." he wasn't able to talk, wasn't able to finish a single sentence.

"I'm s- sorry..." he didn't know what to say. Why haven't I left yet..why am I still here. She probably thinks I'm a creep, good going Severus! He didn't hear the girl walking towards him, towel wrapped around her body.

"Severus?" She softly said.

She placed her hand on his shoulder, he immediately stiffened up expecting her to start screaming at him. "If you wanted to join me all you had to do was ask." She joked with a cute giggle. He turned towards her, startled at what she just said. "What the matter big boy, can't handle me?"

She's not mad.. she's flirting?

Two can play at that game.

His eyes darkened and a sadistic smile appeared on his lips "Oh you have no idea what I can handle." He began to back her up towards one of the columns next to the giant bath.

Her back hit the cold stone column, sending goosebumps all over her body and she could only stare up at him. What happened to him being embarrassed?!

He walked so close to her that his chest was touching the towel wrapped around her and he leaned down to her ear, "are you sure you can handle me?"

Her mouth dried and she yelped aloud as he bent down picking her up by her thighs and putting her legs around his hips pushing her more against the column. Her towel opened up and fell down. But he never looked anywhere but her eyes.

"What's wrong little girl? Thought you could handle me?" He smirked and saw her looking at his lips, stunned. He looked at hers and leaned down to collide their lips together. She moaned into the kiss.

And he pulled her hips closer to him. She gasped at his movements. "What's the matter Hermione, can't handle it?"

"Oh I can but can you handle this?"

That's when she moved all her body weight towards the bath and dragged him into the water with her while he was still fully clothed.



I hope you all are enjoying your holiday and happy new year!

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