Deatheater sighting

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"Ron...Harry, what was the noise?" They both looked up from their chess game and listened. "We didn't hear anything Mione." Ron said shrugging his shoulders. Hermione went back to her book but couldn't concentrate. She closed her book and walked to the portrait that shielded their dormitories and common rooms.

She slipped through and began walking the halls looking for anything that could have caused the noise she heard. "Ms.Granger what are you doing out past curfew?" She immediately stopped walking and turned around to find professor Snape right behind her. "I'm sorry sir I thought I heard a scream, and...I wanted to make sure everything was okay." He walked right up to her. "So you heard that?" He sighed and took his wand out. "Sir?"

Is he gonna attack me? I slid my wand down my sleeve incase I needed to shield myself. "Follow me Granger, Lumos." As his wand lit up he began walking towards my common room. As we arrived he practically pushed me inside. "Don't leave your room. The teachers are on watch." What? That makes no sense, what's going on? What was that scream? And why isn't he worried, he said he heard it too so what the hell?! "Yes sir..."

Ron and Harry both looked my way. "What happened?" They asked in unison. "I heard a scream so went to check it out but when I left, snape got me...basically said he heard it too then shoved me back here. Something is going on, and it's not good." They looked at each other. "Then let's go figure it out." Harry whispered/yelled as he walked towards the portrait. "Right behind you mate!" Ron said as he followed suit. I nodded my head and walked out with them.

We walked the dark halls all standing side by side, with me in the middle. But that didn't last long.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry walked together shoulder to shoulder. They turned the corner to walk down the stairs that went to the dungeons. As the three 5th years were half way down the stair case they heard a chaotic giggle from behind them. They stopped and before they could take another step down the stairs a spell came flying from the darkness, hitting Hermione straight in the stomach throwing her down the rest of the stairs. Hitting the wall across the hall.

"Mione!" Ron yelled her direction. They ran towards her and saw her laying there passed out. They heard the giggling getting louder as the deranged deatheater walked down the stairs. Another sound was heard on the left and saw grayback, that filthy werewolf is here aswell. They couldn't reach Hermione.

As the 2 deatheaters were closing in on them one more figure came from the darkness. Dressed with a black cloak and deatheater mask on. He walked straight up to her body and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "Put her down you filthy pig!" Harry yelled at the man carrying his best friend. He pulled his wand and went to throw a spell when greyback jumped in front of him and knocked his wand right out of his hand.

He laughed and went to slash at the boy when they both started clutching their forearms. They disapperated immediately. Ron and Harry were stunned for only a minute when they went the same way the man took there friend. Hopefully they dropped her and left!

My head hurts so much. I open my eyes slowly to see a dark room with a fireplace having a big strong fire in it. There was a nice dark gray fur rug looked fluffy almost. The couch was comfortable. But where am I? Last thing I remember is we were walking down the stairs. I was so deep in thought I didn't hear the door opening in the background. I shook my head as a deatheater turned the corner and saw me awake. I jumped up quickly.

Where's my wand! Why hasn't he attacked yet? "Calm down granger. I won't hurt you." What? "Professor? Ar-Are you a Deatheater?" I rushed to the right back of the room and grabbed a lamp. "Don't get close to me!" He sped my way as I went to hit him he grabbed my hands and yanked the lamp right out of them. He slammed me against the wall. "I won't hurt you! Do you understand that! I'm trying to keep you safe. I told you to stay in your common room!" Why do I believe him? He's a bad guy! "Keep me safe from what? You're the bad guy!" He grumbled and walked away from me to sit on the couch I woke up on.

"I'm a spy. Have been for years. I heard Bellatrix had found a way into Hogwarts. Then I found you in the hallway. I didn't want something bad to happen to you. You're potters best friend and she knows it. Had she been the one to get you after you passed out, you'd probably be getting tortured right about now."

I walked and sat next to him on the couch. "Thank you. I'm sorry I doubted you sir. Thank you for saving me." I gave him a small smile and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "So how long will I have to stay here?"

"You'll be spending the night here." He said cheeks red now. I blushed, "oh, okay."

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