Running in the halls

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Short but Spicy

"Damnit Malfoy,  give that back!" She chased him down the dungeon corridors. "Come and get it mudblood!" He had her diary in his hands, he turned the corner. She was a few feet behind him and as she turned the same corner she rushed into someone and they both fell. With Hermione falling on top of a man clad in all black.

Snape was walking down the hall as Draco came running past. I'm too lazy to tell him to not run right now. As long as it's not into m-.

He had no chance to finish his thought as he was pushed back and he lost his footing. Subconsciously he quickly grabbed what had knocked into him. Finally landing on his back, he groaned in pain and shook his head looking at what was on him, he saw a head of Long brown curls.

She looked up and saw she had landed on her potions professor, but she was frozen, unable to move. Her hands lay flat on his chest as she looked into his dark eyes.

As Hermione looked at her professor with her hands on his firm chest, she could feel his chest rising and falling in a rushed manner.

Severus stared at his student, not noticing his hands resting on her hips just above her butt, as he was breathing heavily.

They both just stared at eachother, after almost 2 minutes of just staring at the other one, Severus finally noticed where his hands were. As he moved his hands off her body as quickly as she could, he moved his legs too and her legs fell between his, resting on his private part. The friction from her leg rubbed up against him. He needed her off of him.

"G-get off..granger." She didn't move at first still dazed but when she started to feel something poke her thigh she understood and scrambled to get off him.

"I-I'm sorry professor, I didn't mean to bump into you!"

"Bump into me? You bulldozed me." He looked at her as he slowly got up and glared at her standing there innocently as if she wasn't just on his dick making her teacher hard under her. "Sir are you okay? I really am sorry."

"Yes..granger I'm fine." He began walking away straight to his private chambers. "Detention, 8pm tonight." He called out to her as he turned the corner. Leaving her standing in the middle of the hall alone.

Snamione OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang