Sitting in his chair

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Hermione had been waiting for almost 15 minutes now in his office. He said the detention starting at 9. It's past 9 where is he..?

She looked back towards the door, she walked up to it and looked in the hallway for him. Seeing no one she went back in, closing the door and she walked up to his desk. Looking at it she noticed his chair. Why does he get the comfy looking chair!

She scanned the room one more time and then walked up to his desk, walking behind it and moving his chair to find out it spins. She smiled and sat in his chair, twisting her hips to turn the chair side to side. She looked down at the empty seats infront of her. She started to giggle at her own actions. She put a mocking snarky expression on. "You're all dunderheads." She whisper mocked in a horribly forced deep voice.

One more thing. She dug her heels into the ground and pushed off, spinning the chair multiple times. She giggled. She stopped the chair after she noticed she got dizzy. The room started to spin and she saw a black figure by a side door that must have been his private chambers. She knew she was caught. She gasped and quickly stood. Immediately Hermione lost her balance and fell back into the chair. She shook her head trying to get her vision back properly.

She closed her eyes but when she opened them again she was staring up at her potions Professor. She froze and her breath quickened. He leaned in. "What do you think you're doing?"

She only stared into his eyes. He's so close, he smells so good.. has he always smelled like this?

"Well?" She licked her lips and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. He leaned down to her ear. "What are you doing in my chair Ms.Granger?"

She lightly gasped. "I..I was just.."

"Are you going to get out of my seat or do I need to move you?" A deep blush rose to her cheeks, but she didn't move. "I guess I'm moving you." He dipped his hands onto her thighs and slipped his hands slowly under her thighs, picking her up under her butt and out of the chair. But what almost killed her was when he placed her on top of his desk and put his hands on either side of her. "You came here for detention..not fun."

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to..I was just.." he smirked at her. "Just what Ms.Granger?" She looked down his body seeing him in between her legs. His fingers came up and under her chin and lifted her head back up to face him.

"Please sir I'm sorry, I honestly thought you forgot about my detention." He smirked abit. "So you thought you could sit in my chair, in my classroom, instead of leaving? Is that correct..Ms.Granger?" She only nodded.

He backed up and put his arms behind his back. "Why are you still on my desk?" She blinked and quickly jumped off the desk, standing infront of him looking up at him. "W-what do you want me to do for my detention sir?"

"I want you to follow me."

She nodded her head and began following him to the door he had originally come through. "Since you want to sit down so much on my furniture.." she dipped her head in embarrassment. "I'll give you something else to sit on." She stopped in her tracks and looked at his back. It took him only a second to realize what he said. His mouth dropped, and he turned to see his students face.

"That's not what I meant!"

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