Love Curse (part 2)

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As she woke up a few hours later. In the hospital bed, in the dark room. The only thing she could think was seeing Severus. She stood up as if she was hypnotized. Which she was hypnotized...hypnotized by love. Love for Severus. She walked to the doors and went straight to the dungeons. She was screaming at herself to stop. But she physically couldn't.

She went up to his door and raised her hand to knock. She knocked waited only about a minute and knocked again a few seconds later the door swung open. An angry tall dark haired man stood tall. Soaked with a towel wrapped low around his hips. His dark chest hair going down to his stomach. Her breathe quickened she kept following the water falling down over the his stomach hair right above the towel. "Like what you see Granger?" She snapped back to reality looking him in the eyes. "I-.." He chuckled and moved to the side letting her come in. She walked in wit her head down, going to sit on a couch by the lit fireplace. He went and sat next to her. She sat up straight and moved more towards the arm rest. "Are you uncomfortable?" He asked smirking. She shook her head side to side signaling no with a small smile.

Control your urges! She said in her head. Staring at him again. He chuckled and moved closer to her. "Is there a way I can fix that?" She shook her head. He got up and went to the door on the right of where she was sitting. He was only gone for about 45 seconds and came back with just sweat pants on.

He doesn't have a shirt on! She stared..again. She didn't notice that he was walking towards her until he was standing in front of her in between her legs. He leaned down and grabbed under her chin lifting her eyes to his. "This better?" She said nothing just breathed out and looked at his lips now. He leaned down capturing her plump lips with his slightly thin ones.

"I love you Hermione. Please wake up soon, I need you."he whispered in her ear. Then kissed her forehead.

He stood up next to her bed waiting for her to wake up. "Poppy will you please let me know soon as she wakes up, and send her my way please. I need to make sure Mr.Hightower is at the headmaster's office." She nodded her head with a small smile. "Of course Severus." He nodded once and swept out the room.

He glided down the hall and made his way towards Albus' office. He said the password and waited on the first step to be taken to his door. He raised his fist and knocked loud. "Come in." Albus' voice said from inside the room. He walked in and saw the boy slumped in the chair infront of the main desk. "That boy better be getting expelled!" He headmaster raised his hand. "He will be suspended for a week, and have a months worth detention with Filch." Snape looked pissed. "He attacked a teacher!"

"And he has sincerely apologized. I believe I will give him a second chance." The man huffed out a big breathe and swished his cape leaving in a rush. He walked quickly down to the dungeons and into his private room. "I need a damn shower, relax myself." He walked over to his closet and put a pair of sweatpants on his bed then walked to his bathroom and he turned the water on then switching it to the shower head. He began taking his clothes off and by the time he was done the water was hot. He stepped in and relaxed his body.

After he washed his hair and body he decided to just stand in the water for abit longer. But was interrupted by a Knock on his door. He wanted to ignore it but he was getting wrinkles on his hands so he figured he might as well get out. He wrapped a towel around his waist. About to grab his sweat pants someone knocked again. Forgetting about the clothes he immediately went to the door swinging it open. "What!" There stood her. Hermione.

"What are you doing out of bed and why did Poppy not tell me?" She just stared at him. He snapped his fingers. "I love you too Severus." He was taken back. He moved to the side to let her in. She went to sit on the floor and watch the man go to his room. Not even a minute later he came back with sweat pants on and a tight black shirt. "How can I help you Hermione?" She got up and walked to him placing her hand on his. He didn't think to pull back.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel great!" She said and leaned towards him. He took a deep breathe in and looked at her. "I feel like I want to kiss you." He was taken back. He was screaming at himself, she's under a spell. He knew she didn't like him.


He pulled her closer by her waist and kissed her lips. She immediately kissed back. She moved closer and closed her eyes. After 20ish seconds he let go. And opened his eyes pulling away from her. She looked dazed. She looked up at him and smiled. As she went to go kiss him, he pulled back.

"I can't're under a spell, you don't actually want me." He said sadly. She looked up at him. "Severus, I'm not under any spell."

He looked up at her. "What do you mean?"

"I woke up and felt fine, but I had an urge to come see you. I'm not under any spell and if I was I'm not anymore."

He gasped. "I kissed your forehead." He chuckled. "Of course a cure to a love spell is a damn kiss." Scoffing while smiling.

He gave a genuine smile and pulled her close to him. Kissing her with every fiber of his body.

"I love you Hermione."

"I love you Sev."

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