Ghosts of the future

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Her ghost it haunts me. The nightmares are everynight. It's all my fault.


He walked the halls with her holding his hand discreetly, when they were alone he would kneel infront of her holding her belly, kissing it often. "Severus." She giggled as it slightly tickled. "Get up here and kiss me." He chuckled "But I wanna kiss my beloved baby girl first."

"I've lost all your attention, to our Elena." He looked up and stopped kissing his pregnant wife's belly. "Oh honey, I love you both equally." He smiled at her and moved his hands to her chin and kissed her deeply. "I love you Hermione."

"Please can I go in now?!" The nurse looked at him. Sighing "Yes Mr. Snape you can go in now." He quickly rushed to her room and froze looking at her laying there. She looked up smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Elena meet you daddy." She said looking at me. "She's gorgeous." He whispered but she still heard him. He started tearing up. "She's gorgeous." He said a lot louder. "Yes she is."

Severus set they're daughter in her crib and walked into the library they had in their manor, where his wife sat reading a muggle fairytale. He went and kneeled infront of her. "Hermione, thank you. You've helped with the worst parts of me and helped me realize I can be happy again. And now I have a family, a perfect family, with the perfect wife and now..a perfect daughter." She got down on the floor with him.

"I love you with everything Severus and we will have an amazing life. I already can't wait for her wedding and seeing you walk her down the aisle." He smiled at her.

Severus left about an hour ago with Elena to go get some baby stuff, when she heard a knock on the door. She got up and went to open the door, when it was pushed in as soon as the lock turned. She fell to the floor and was flipped on her stomach. Before she could scream she was gagged and tied up. "Quick grab her. The boss will be glad about this." She squirmed trying to get out of the bounds on her hands. She tried kicking one of the men but missed and they grabbed her leg pulling her closer to him. When he got her close enough to him he threw a punch and hit her face, knocking her out.

Severus walked up to the manor but stopped noticing the door wide open. He stopped, what does he do, he has Elena with him. He quickly disapperated to the Weasley meadow and shoved Elena in Mollys arms. "Please watch her. Something's happened. KEEP HER SAFE." Molly didn't have a chance to ask but the look on Snape's face was all the proof she needed to know it was serious.

He apperated back and drew his wand. He walked into the manor and saw little droplets of blood. He froze. That's when he felt it. The burn, the burn that he thought would've died when Voldemort did. He quickly apperated. "Ah Severus, so glad you could join our fun." He was shocked Lucius had called this meeting. "We all hoped you could make it."

"Of course Lucius, I wouldn't miss it for anything." The blonde haired man smirked and snapped his fingers. "Well don't we have a surprise for you,  we found one of Harry Potter's friends." His heart raced.

No. No this can't be happening. He was putting it all together. The break in, the blood. His heart raced but showed no signs of it. "Oh how delightful." He said with no emotion. He stepped forward as a person was dragged in with a bag on their head.


"We saved her just for you."


"We want you to have the honor of killing her." Severus froze.

The bag was ripped off her head. He was on the verge of crying. Her beautiful face was bruised, blooded and her eye was swollen shut. He looked down and saw her ring shining at him. He breathing quickened. He could only stare.

Severus please. Help me.

He pushed words into her head. I-I don't know how....Hermione I'm so sorry.

No please Severus...

I'm sorry my love, I'll never stop loving you.

Severus PLEASE! What about Elena!?

Tears were forming in his eyes.

I promise to keep her safe. I love you. Always.

He raised his wand. Aiming it at her.

Severus please I love you! Don't do this!

Tears streaming down her face. "Please don't." She pleaded out loud hoping that would persuade him.

I love you Hermione. I- You make me so happy. Goodbye my sweetheart.

"Avada Kadavra."

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