May i have this dance?

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It was finally time. Our 1 year reunion. Am I ready. To see them.

To see him. All he's done is degrade me for saving him. My whole 7th year after the war I went back to fully graduate from Hogwarts and he was the absolute worst to me. Taking points for no reason. Giving me detentions with him for weeks at a time. Scrubbing the floor and cleaning cauldrons. I cried every night.

Now it's time to face him and laugh in his face! He can't reprimand me now.

I slipped on my light blue/green knee high dress that was longer in the back.

I put on silver heels and walked out into my living room where Harry and Ginny were waiting for me

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I put on silver heels and walked out into my living room where Harry and Ginny were waiting for me. "Oh wow! Hermione you look amazing!" Ginny exclaimed loudly and squealed. Harry just stared. Ginny lightly elbowed his arm. "Say something!" He shook his head slightly. "Mione you look beautiful!" I blushed at their compliments. "Thank you guys! Are you two lovebirds ready?" They nodded and we apperated to the front gates of Hogwarts.

It was time to face my biggest fear. Seeing the man I love, knowing he despises me.

We walked up to the front doors and walked the halls to the Great Hall entrance. Harry and Ginny walked in and I stayed in the corridor to catch my breath and calm my nerves. I backed up from the doors and towards the opposite wall in the empty hall. When I hit the wall I took another deep breath. "Ms.Granger...Can you get off my shoe?" I stiffened when I heard that deep voice. His hot breath on my neck. I quickly jumped forward, turning to face my old professor. "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to bump into you." He looked down at his now scoffed shoe. He said nothing just stared with a blank face.

He looked back up and finally got a good look at her. "You look very..uh.. beautiful." She looked taken back for a second. Her face got all red. "Oh thank you sir. You look very dashing aswell." He smirked. "You're not my student Ms.Granger, you may call me Severus." She looked up at him and tried hiding her smile by biting her lip.

She's so beautiful. Even when she bites her. I want to untrap her lip from in between her teeth. But I can't touch her. I've been nothing but rude to her. Since she saved me, I've been noticing how much she's matured but I couldn't let anyone know so I was even worse towards her thinking the deep feelings I had for her would disappear. They didn't. And now that I see her in front of me, I don't know what to do. I didn't realize I was staring at her this whole time.

"Severus, are you okay." I shook my head a little bit. "I'm fine thank you, uh..would you care to join me inside?"  I asked moving my arm towards her to grab if she'd like. She looked surprised. She nodded her head and took my arm. "How have you been professor?" He huffed a little. "Severus, please. And I've been okay, still teaching dunderheaded children. So nothing's changed." She giggled and I couldn't have felt more proud to have been the one to bring such a beautiful sound out of her.

I had to change the subject before my mind went somewhere else. Somewhere it doesn't need to go.

"So how have you been Ms.Granger?"

"Hermione, please." She copied me giggling a little then answered my question. "I've been well, I miss having someone to talk to now that I live alone. Without the boys, my life is pretty boring." She smiled up at me. "You live alone, so no special person in your life?" She stopped walking. I waited still having her hand on my arm.

"No, the one I want is out of reach." She looked down. But shook her head and smiled and began walking again with me. We walked in and she let go of my arm. I felt cold after she let go. Probably doesn't want to be seen on my arm.

She looked over at me. "Thank you, Severus." She softly smiled at me. I softened my face and very lightly smiled. "Of course Hermione." I bowed low and watched her walk off to the drink table. I sighed. I need to do something before the night is over. Even just a dance perhaps.

It's been hours since she left Severus at the main door. She didn't want to let go of his arm, but she doubted he wanted to be seen with her by everyone. She had already had a few drinks and was sitting down at one of the tables that was on the side of the room. A slow song started to play and she saw couples go on to the floor and start slow dancing, holding each other close. She sighed and looked at her drink.

"May I have this dance?"

She snapped her head up and saw the man of her dreams. She said nothing but smiled and took his out stretched hand. He led her towards the middle of the room and pulled her close putting his hands on her lower back, so she was flush against his chest and his chin resting on her head. Her arms on his shoulders and head resting on his chest.

They danced til the end of the song. But neither one moved from there positions. He looked down at her and moved his hand up to her chin and moved her head to look up at him. She parted her lips. "Seve-"

I kissed her. I couldn't help myself.
I pulled back after almost 10 seconds. "I-I'm sorry! That was inappropriate." She opened her eyes. She smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Don't apologize Severus. I've wanted to kiss you since I saved you." I smirked and kissed her again.

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