Missplaced Potion (part 2)

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Hermione began to stir.

"Yep, goodbye. And that little twat is coming nowhere near my chambers!"

As Severus stormed out of sight and back to HIS rooms. As he departed, Hermione's eyes opened and scanned the room. "Where am I? What happened? And I thought I heard Severus." Albus stepped forward. "Professor Snape, Ms.Granger. And you had quite the fall into Minerva so we brought you here."

Hermione went to get up "I'm perfectly fine, can I go now?" The adults all looked at eachother and the medwitch nodded her head. "Sure Ms.Granger. But the moment you feel sick, I want you to come right back." Hermione nodded her head. She had to go see him.

The teachers knew exactly where she was headed. To Severus.

The potions professor sat behind his desk scribbling away on 2nd years quiz's. The door bust open and he flung his head up. "Who-" he stopped mid sentence and noticed who was there. "What can I do for you Ms.Granger, seeing as how it is so important you don't feel the need to knock?" He barked. She smiled at him and walked towards him. Now standing on the other side of the desk leaning her arms on it. "I just wanted to see you!"

"Well I have no hope to see you, infact my day was decent before you decided to barge in." She giggled "oh don't be like that Sev!" His face grew red in rage. "What did you just call me!"

She moved closer to him. "Would you prefer Sevy?" She purred at him. He immediately stood up and got in her face. "It is professor Snape to you! Do you understand me?" She said nothing just breathed through her open mouth and stared at his eyes. "You're eyes are so pretty." She whispered softly but because of his closeness he heard her and backed up, straightening up.  "Leave Ms.Granger!" She moved closer to him.

"You know you don't want me too, and I know I don't want me too either." She said with a sneaky smile. Getting toe to toe with him. He felt frozen to the spot. She moved up and put a hand on his chest. "I love you Severus!" She moved to go kiss him. But he grabbed her hand and moved out of her grasp breathing heavily. Letting her go and walking back over to his desk. "Leave Granger I've already told you once." She pouted. "But I love you!"

"No you don't! You have no feelings for me Granger. And that's a FACT"

"Yes I do, if you kiss me you'll know!"

He whips around to look at her. "And if I kiss you and feel nothing you'll leave, and end this foolishness?" He asked harshly. She said nothing.

He rushed her pulling her up to him, spinning them and putting her in his desk. Stepping in between her legs and smashed his lips on hers. She of course immediately kissed back. But before she could get any further he stepped back and wiped his lips.

"Nothing, now get out and leave me alone." Hermione jumped off the desk with a sassy but satisfied look on her face. "I never agreed to your terms, and until you say you love me back, and MEAN it, I'm staying right here!"

He couldn't take her seriously. Her hair messy from where he had his hands and lips swollen for the pressure of his kiss. He couldn't take it, so he did the rational thing and walked out leaving her standing there.

It's been 3 days since he's last seen the girl. He was happy she finally left him alone. That was until a knock came to his door. Thinking it was hermione, he flung the door open with a very unpleasant face. "What?" Seeing it was Minerva he immediately fixed his attitude. "Yes Minerva?" She had a sorrowful face. "Come with me, it's Ms.Granger." He groaned and reluctantly followed.

They walked to the hospital wing and when she opened the doors he noticed immediately how pale his student was. "She's been like this since this morning, she can't or won't eat." Her head was down. Potentially not listening, until he spoke.

"And this is my problem why?" She shot her head up. "Sevy!!" She immediately smiled and tried rushing him. He stopped her. "That's Professor Snape to you Granger." He growled.

"Severus, we need her to stay with you in your chambers until this wears off, even just a weekend away from you and she's deathly ill." Minerva explained. "Absolutely not, that is highly inappropriate."

Albus finally took it upon himself to persuade him.

"Severus, she's under a potion. It's not like she'll remember all this. But we can't have her getting sick just because she can't see you, so let me rephrase this my boy. As headmaster, she will be staying in your chamber in a separate room."

Severus was ready to scream and fight but he knew it would get him absolutely nowhere. He huffed "FINE! But I will not be the one to set up her room."

He stomped back to his chambers and hid til dinner. But stopped when he saw the child sitting on his couch in his chambers, immediately pissed, he tried walking back into his room but he was stopped by her voice. "Care to sit with me?" She asked with the biggest smile. "No."

"Severus, I'm your girlfriend. Treat me as such!"

His eye twitched. "I'm not your anything but your professor you insulate little brat."

"Do. You. Understand."

She looked up and smiled at the seething man. "Yes Sevy."

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