Forbidden Forest

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Hermione had mentioned to the headmaster she was interested is an apprenticeship, but sadly the only one that was open was for potions. She had to think about this carefully. She thought about talking to her professor about it first.

As she walked down the hall and down to the dungeons. There was his door, in her sight and she hesitated to knock, scared of the thought of the conversation, but she was a Gryffindor! She knocked and awaited her fate.


She opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind her. "Good afternoon sir I.. I had a question." He didn't look up. She bit the inside of her lip and blurt out "I was wondering if I could do an apprenticeship with you?" His head immediately shot up and he looked her in the eye. He waited almost a whole minute before responding.

"And what makes you think I would want that? That I would want you?" He looked at her with a nasty glare.

She was stunned, of course she had expected this but the way he worded it made her feel completely and utterly unwanted. " mind sir. Sorry for wasting your time." She quickly turned around and walked down the aisles of desks. Soon as her hand hit the knob on the door she heard him clear his throat. So she stopped mid turn of her hand. "Tonight at 8 pm sharp. You will meet me at the edge of the forest, if you can prove to me you can properly collect the ingredients...I might consider your offer. Dismissed."

She didn't even take the chance of speaking in fear he might change his mind. She audibly gasped and nodded her head before quickly leaving his classroom.

That night couldn't have come any faster. After dinner she had enough time to change into something abit warmer and headed right back down stairs. Pushing the giant front oak doors open then walking to the edge of the forest where she saw her professor impatiently waiting on her. Even though she was ten minutes early.

"Let's go." He led their walk deep into the forest. The first ingredient they came across was toadstool. Easy enough. She thought to herself. She took out the small knife from her bag and cut as the base of the mushroom, putting it in a jar and sealing the top with the lid. They continued alittle more into the forest.

She heard a branch break close by but didn't see anything. Then they came across the second ingredient of the night, a hippogryph nest that thankfully was empty so she walked up and plucked all the feathers off the ground that she could. She heard a branch break again. She walked closer to her professor. "Sir..I think we're being followed." Trying to whisper in his direction. "Don't be so paranoid nothing is following us we're fine. Where's that Gryffindor courage you all boast about so much?" Hermione figured he must have been right, she brushed it off and continued walking with him.

She was walking slightly behind him when she heard another branch break so she quickly turned to see a centaur with his bow aimed at them and without realizing it, she moved and shoved her professor to the ground. She fell with him but to the side.

Snape hit the ground with a heavy thump. He quickly got up, not bothering to help his student, and spun around ready to reprimand her for shoving him down on the mud. He opened his mouth but no words came out. His eyes went from a glaring slit to wide and worried. Below him on the ground was his student with an arrow in the side of her stomach. He stared down at her for a second more before he dropped to his knees and went to her side that had the arrow.

"Are you...what were you.. I.." He was at a loss for words. "We need to get you back to Hogwarts, now!" Hermione was trying her best not to scare in pain from the arrow but as soon as he attempted to lift her up she began to cry out loud and very loud, clearly in a lot of pain. He threw her arm over his shoulder and they quickly began their walk back.

He had his wand drawn, not knowing where the first shot came from, he didn't want to take the chance and fire aimlessly into the woods.

Almost five minutes into their trek back he heard a branch break and Snape raised his wand in the direction but before he said any spell another arrow came from the darkness clouded by the trees. Again hitting his student but this time in her back. Hermione screamed out and her body tightened up as her arm slipped from around his neck and she fell to the ground. He quickly raised his wand and fired in the direction the arrow came from. He heard something hit the leaves heavily so he took the chance to pick up his student bridal style and ran her the rest of the way.

Finally making it to the medical wing he yelled for poppy and when she finally showed up he was already going through her potions and she looked on the bed to see the Gryffindor princess unconscious on her good side and two arrows sticking out of her. "Severus..what happened?"

"Just help me woman!" She snapped out of it then got straight to work.

The next morning Hermione opened her eyes to see a blinding light. She groaned and immediately shut her eyes. "Ms.Granger, good you're awake!" She opened her eyes again but slower. She noticed a black figure in the corner of her eye and as she looked over she saw her professor asleep in the armchair next to her. "He stayed there all night. Kept mumbling how he felt guilty." The medwitch smirked and winked then walked away to her desk after making sure her patient was okay.

Hermione looked over about to wake her teacher when she saw what was on the bedside table. A little note with his unique handwriting on it.

"You got the apprenticeship."

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